
I started watching “Slap on Titan” on YouTube and I’ve never laughed harder at a parody before  pls go watch it… but I want to start writing again, you all are so sweet to me  I’m still recovering with my mental health but I just wanted to pop on abs update you all bc Ik the aot hype is at its prime rn 


@xerivv I was watching that the other day  it's so funny and for what- 
          	  Take care of yourself bb, stay healthy 


Rip to this account 


It’s been a very long time since I’ve felt any inspiration to write, I apologize but I wouldn’t want to put out stories or updates that I thought were nothing special to me <3
            I love the works I have on here, and maybe I will come back to edit/add/create new stories as I get more free time to myself  
            Unfortunately I don’t know when/if I’ll ever be able to update as frequently as I used to but I hope this explains a little more about my lack of updates/new stories for so long, everyone on here has been angels to me so I sincerely apologize to everyone who has been waiting on my return. I’m sorry, truly I want to get the same passion I had for writing again one day, I hope y’all can understand 


I started watching “Slap on Titan” on YouTube and I’ve never laughed harder at a parody before  pls go watch it… but I want to start writing again, you all are so sweet to me  I’m still recovering with my mental health but I just wanted to pop on abs update you all bc Ik the aot hype is at its prime rn 


@xerivv I was watching that the other day  it's so funny and for what- 
            Take care of yourself bb, stay healthy 


Well I don’t know if I still have much of a following on here, i know I’ve been inactive for a while and it’s mostly because college has been extremely hard on my mental health. 
          In all honesty i hadn’t been able to just sit down and watch anime or even read anything on here so I couldn’t feel inspired even if I wanted to. 
          I’m finally getting back to my original “happy place” i guess you can call it, now that I’ve taken at least a little time to relax and just watch anime and read on here. 
          I’m feeling a little more inspired now but I can’t make any promises about updates or new stories right now since I never want to disappoint you guys. 
          I’m definitely going to be really rusty when/if I start writing again but I hope my stories will still entertain you all and hopefully provide some sort of escape from the real world like it does for me. 
          I love you all sm 
          Xox, Author-Chan Roxy


@xerivv  We will wait love your stories 


Hey your mental health is important so please focus on yourself we can wait :)


Ya know, I reread my stories so I can feel like I’m in the story and make sure that the plot fits what I think would happen. 
          And genuinely, my god y’all idk I love you sm cause my writing seems like a train wreck to me so I’m glad you enjoy it 


@xerivv omg same- & sometimes i make my friends read some of the chapters to make sure everything makes sense 


Is it time to publish my sequel(s) to QUIET yet? | (• ◡•)|




So I’m going to write a depressing as hell story, I’ve got a lot anxiety rn unfortunately so I’m gonna hope that it helps. 
          I might post it, I might not, I’m not sure yet but please just know there will be a disclaimer on it but please don’t read it if you’re feeling any sort of depressed/suicidal/anything in between. 
          I love you all too much for any of you to be feeling anxious/more depressed because of anything I write. 


@xerivv Angst more (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)