Chapter 27

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As if this wasn't enough, I received another good news that Taha regained consciousness. I literally ran to the hospital where Ruzhaan was already present although Uzair's whereabouts were still unknown.

As soon as I saw Taha sitting on the bed with a smile on his face for me I couldn't help but start crying with joy. I just ran to him and hugged him screaming,

"Ok! Ab tum dono ka milan milap bas hua!"
(Ok! Now enough of your hugging)
Ruzhaan said peeling me off Taha and pulling me closer to himself as I watched him blinking confused.

Taha sighed heavily
"This jealous husband of yours. What will I ever do with him?" He said shaking his head.

I just continued to cry.

"Stop crying sis. I'm ok now. Look! And I'll be out of here soon too." He said messing my hair.

"I missed you calling me sis soo much. I'm soo sorry Taha bhai, it's all my fault."

Ruzhaan groaned.
"God! She's been chanting the same thing since the day you got in this hospital. Honestly, I'm soo bored hearing all that."

"What? You silly girl! It's not your fault at all. It's all Uzair's fault for misbehaving with you. You were the victim too and I couldn't bear to see it so I had to fight." He said.

"He misbehaved with you? No one told me about that?!" Ruzhaan yelled glaring at me. I looked away avoiding his eyes.

"I knew she wouldn't have told you." Taha was shaking his head.

Ruzhaan was about to start with his interrogations so I changed the subject.

" your wound ok? Your aren't in any pain, right?"

"Stop ignoring me!" Ruzhaan warned.

"Oh, isn't it time for your meds. Let me call the nurse." I said and made a run outside.

Phew! I got out of there!

How could I have ever told Ruzhaan about it? He has enough reasons to hate his younger brother. I don't want to be another reason too although, I am one of the most important reasons.

Is that what you think of me?

Then what else should I think of? It's not like I have any money or property that I own that he can want from me. I'm not that pretty either to be his trophy. Then why is he holding on to me still? Why kiss me like that? It wasn't just lust in that kiss. I could tell. Because, if it was just lust it was understandable. He's a man, I'm a woman and we are married. It happens. wasn't just lust. There was something else too. I don't know what. Why be soo sweet to me all this time? That feeling he was giving if he was desperate....or scared.

The lift came down and I stepped in still engrossed in my thoughts. I didn't realise, there was another person in the lift beside me until the lift stopped suddenly.

What the hell?! Are we trapped?!

Then I realised, it was the man that stopped the lift. I was scared even more now. Who was this man and what were his intentions?!

"W... what the hell are you doing?! Who are you?!" I dared to ask nonchalantly.

He was walking towards me wearing a mask and hoodie. Ok, I know this is a hospital and all and it's cold outside, but who in his right mind would cover themselves soo much.

Was he going to hurt me? Should I scream?

But my voice was caught up in my throat.

" r..." I warned him shakily.

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