Chapter 8

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I stepped out of the car gaping at the huge hospital building in front of me. I've seen this hospital before....many times. But what shocked me is that....this hospital was made and funded by this Devil?!

"I'll park the car in the parking lot. You two go ahead." Taha told me and Ruzhaan. I followed him in trying to match up with his long strides.

He opened the door to a special ward and gestured me to go in. I was so scared as to what I might witness inside.

Then.... I saw him.
He was still unconscious, a heart rate monitor, IV drops and some other machines were attached to him along with the oxygen mask. I went and sat on the stool beside him with teary eyes.

"It's been two days. Why hasn't he woken up?" I asked

"He's in a coma. We took the bullet out but the bullet just scarcely touched past his heart valves. We can't say when he will wake up."
Said the doctor behind me who came to examine Uzair.

I couldn't help but cry harder.

"Aap patient ki kaun hai?"
(Who are you to the patient?)

I froze. How should I answer that? I was his fiance who's now married to his brother.

"Family friend." I answered finding my voice.

"Oh." he said continuing his work.

That bastard! He did this to him and he's just standing outside not even caring to see how his brother is. That heartless beast, is he even guilty?

Uzair's hand was right there but I couldn't hold it. I don't have the right to anymore. I am a stranger now... even more.

Third person POV,
Taha came and saw Ruzhaan peeking in through the glass gap. He felt bad to see his friend's sad eyes. He walked forward to him and kept a hand over his shoulder making him flinch and without words they shared a lot of feelings through their eyes.


I came out to find the man waiting outside, as stone faced as ever. Bloody bastards! They don't even care about Uzair.

"Let's go." he said and without looking at them twice I started walking ahead.

There are only men in the house so I feel so uncomfortable. There is a maid...but she leaves by evening. There are maybe 8-9 men but every hour the number increases or decreases. Another thing is that they all seemed to follow his every command, not out of fear but loyalty. Not one of them even dares to raise his eyes at me. It's like, they're more afraid of me than him.

Importing and exporting weapons is part of their job along with many others. I have seen many times him and Taha unloading and loading thier guns. They all have a favourite gun of some kind. The names they take go from top of my head. Taha treats his gun like his girlfriend. Eww! these Mafia and their habits!

I had to do something I can't be his captive forever. That day he made me kiss him. What if he asks for more?
Like hell he'll ask! What if he forces himself on me? What if he tries to claim me?! My parents, my old life, my college, friends... he stole everything from me. I can't sit back and watch him do whatever he wants. I want my old life back. I want to escape from here and I have to strive for it myself. Even Uzair is in a coma. First I have to escape from here so that I can save him later.

The police...the law... atleast someone has to help me!!!

So I made a plan...

That day, when Taha left his 'girlfriend' on the side table of his bed and went for a bath. I sneaked into his room and stole his gun running with it to the kitchen. I have seen it but now I have to try it myself. This is where he presses and removes the cartridge right?
It worked!
All the 6 bullets were intact. I turned it over to remove the bullet but my palm burned and they all started falling down. They were all so hot and heavy.

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