Chapter Four *Edited*

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Don't be afraid to start

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Don't be afraid to start

all over again. You may like 

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Chapter 4.

The pounding heart echoes through the forest as I race through the woods, my body in wolf form. Every muscle in my body aches, and I feel the exhaustion weighing me down. I've been running for hours and lost track of time. The woods are dense and unfamiliar, and I'm lost. I need to find a place to rest, but I have no idea where to go. The thought of spending the night out in the open, alone and vulnerable, fills me with dread.

I remind myself that danger is all around me. The woods are full of rogues and wild animals lurking in the shadows and unsolved missing cases. I have to be careful, or I could become another statistic. But I can't stop now.

Suddenly, I speak my mind, "Can we take a break? I'm exhausted, and we've been running for hours."

Astra knows I'm right, but we both know that I can't afford to stop now. "Just a little bit further," I tell her reassuringly. "We're almost there."

I push myself harder, forcing my tired legs to run faster despite the pouring rain and the slick, muddy ground. It's insane to think that I'm doing this. I've always dreamt of leaving my old life behind and starting over, but I never thought I'd have the courage to do it.

I think about my parents, and I know they would be proud of me. They always wanted me to be happy, and I know that's what I'm doing now. As for Liam, my mate, I don't care about him anymore. Not after everything he put me through.

Suddenly, Astra interrupts my thoughts, "Look! There's a town up ahead!"

I can hardly believe my eyes. I had no idea there was a town out here. I pick up my pace and head straight for it, but I stop before entering, slipping back into my human form behind a tree.

That's when I smell it—the scent of werewolves.

We've stumbled into a pack's territory, and I know we need to get out of here before we're caught. But it's too late.

"Stop, rogue!"

I spin around to face them, my heart racing. Most are well-built men in workout clothes, and I can tell they're warriors. But the ones in front of me are more powerful and ferocious than the warriors from the Blue Moon pack.

"Drop your bag and put your hands above your head," the man in front of me orders.

My wolf refuses to obey, and I don't know why. It's happened before, but never like this. I've been in wolf form for hours - I couldn't be closer to my wolf if I tried.

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