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I was taken aback by the list of names coming from different voices in my head. I didn't know communication like this was a soulmate thing, I had never heard of such a thing being possible. Maybe I'm hallucinating, Maybe this is all a dream. Maybe I actually fell into that hole I walked around a couple of minutes ago and hit my head and because I was listening to BTS as it happened I am now having some weird dream about it.

I had heard rumours of the band being soulmates. Of course without any root in actual proof as far as I had known. A soulmate cluster was unusual but not unheard of on the internet, but I honestly hadn't looked too much into anything soulmate related so I couldn't really say anything for sure. What I did know however was that I could hear seven voices in my head and they were all talking to me and to each other.

"It's a girl Jimin, it's a freaking girl" One of the voices said excitedly.

"Calm down hyung don't scare her away! Don't mind him, he's not used to talking to women" the voice I assumed was Jimin said.

"I'm not used to talking to anyone inside my head" I complained slightly, this all seemed like a headache waiting to happen.

"Yeah it is kinda strange at first isn't it" Another voice said.

"Luckily you can teach yourself to kinda shut it off. Or at least manage to decide what you want to broadcast and what you don't"

I sighed. Keeping my eyes fixed on the darkness, trying to wrap my head around this conversation while still trying to keep my head on my shoulders.

"How do I know this isn't just me going crazy?" I asked, genuinely curious.

"Well for all we know you might be going crazy"

"Taehyung that was not funny, of course she's not going crazy"

"Okay how about this, do you have instagram?" The voice now apparent to be Taehyung asked.

"Yes, I do"

"Look up Elephantthoughts on instagram and ask to follow"

I did as he said and asked to follow the closed profile. Seconds later it was approved. My mind had gone quiet again but I had switched off the music seeing as it was no reason to be playing it when I couldn't hear it so it was now just completely silent. The only thing I could hear being the wind that flew across my face as I sat there in the darkness.

His profile had a lot of pictures, mostly of nature, sunsets, clothes. But once in a while he would post a picture of himself. Kim Taehyung. His profile had five followers and they were all names I had heard of but couldn't quite place. 

I was scrolling through his pictures when a message popped up.

*Do you still think you're going crazy?*

I read it twice, three times, four times. A clever answer not coming to mind I typed back.

*Maybe not crazy but something weird is definitely going on*

It seemed like they had left my head for good so while texting with Taehyung on instagram I got up and made my way back to my apartment, still dreading going to bed, but it was a little bit easier knowing I did have some answers to this situation. Some answers and a lot more questions.

Complete us - A BTS ot7+1 Soulmate story.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon