~ we are not teenagers ~

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the weekend ~ Earned it

"you make it look like its magic,

cause I see nobody

nobody but you,"

The forest was silent. Thomas was crying quietly, not daring to let go of his girlfriend. "On your knees." I shake my head at Thomas, "Don't do it Tom."

"Don't listen to her Tommy." The bastard taunts.


"Tom Tom, do you want her to die."

"He won't kill me Thomas. I'm not scared of him."

"Knees Tom."

"To-" I was cut off with a gun shot, "Tom." The word was whispered out quietly, my voice growing cold.

I come to consciousness slowly, the memories from the night before dancing around my head. I was warm so I knew I was wrapped in Jethro's arms still and since he had seen me in literally nothing I didn't hesitate to snuggle into him, my head buried in his neck. I wasn't quite sure about how I felt. Technically I didn't brake rule #11, never date a coworker, but it felt as if I did. I know it was only sex but I saw him every day so we were screwed.

"Belle?" Jethro murmurs pulling me further into him, his arms holding me tightly around the waist. I hum in response, looking up at him, "Are you okay?" He asks worriedly, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

I stare up at him for a moment. His hair was a bit ruffed up but his eyes were as piercing as ever watching me carefully, his gaze unrelenting. I tilt my head to the side my hand reaching up and running itself through his wild hair to tame it a bit earning a small genuine smile from him.

I smile bit, licking my chapped lips as I nod slowly, "Yeah. I think so." I mumble, dropping my hand from his hair onto the blue pillow behind him.

Jethro stands up from the bed, and I blush a bit turning away even though he had sweats on. "Adorable." He muttered coming over to my side of the bed holding a hand up to help me up.

I was wearing one of his old NIS sweatshirts that he wore to my house last night and dusted off imaginary dust on it awkwardly. "I'm gonna go home to change then run to get us some coffee and then we'll head into work together okay?" He asks gently. I nod biting my bottom lip. He doesn't hesitate to pull it from under my teeth before giving a chaste forehead kiss exiting the bedroom.

I stare at the door he walked out of for a moment before I shake my head clearing my thoughts. He made the move not me so I don't know why I was freaking out. I pull on my high waisted jeans from the bottom drawer of my dresser but leave on his sweatshirt. It was comfortable, sue me. Curling my hair and putting on some mascara I jam out to my playlist.

By the time I was ready Jethro had gotten back completely changed with surprisingly good coffee. I thank him quietly and he nods placing a hand on my back as he walks me to his truck. The drive to work was quiet, my head rested on Jethro's shoulder, his hand on my thigh. Once we were in the elevator I turn to Jethro with a small smile, "The children will know somethings up.." I trail off and eyebrow raised. He copies my facial expression, smiling softly, "Okay." His voice was playful earning an eyeroll from me.

I shake my head and turn to face the front of the elevator, "Paperwork day?" I asked, blinking slightly from exhaustion.

He hums in response letting go off my hand, "We can sneak off to filing room." He says suggestively, turning towards me.

I snort, "Yeah?"

The elevator dings and we step off, "Yep."

I shake my head, my back arching slightly when he places his hand on it not used to people feeling comfortable showing me affection. They were usually scared I would hurt them and I didn't blame them. "No." I state firmly. I was still trying to find out if what happened last night was a one night thing or not although Jethro seemed to think it was more by the way he was acting.

"Aw come on."

"Jethro we are not teenagers."

"I don't know the stamina last night-"

I cut him off with a slap to the back of his head causing him to chuckle and me to smile, shaking my head. Dinozzo looks up when he hears Jethro laugh and looks between the two of us confused standing up slowly, "How was your night Ella?" He asks halfheartedly, confused as to why we walked in at the same time.

Jethro walks ahead of me and into the bullpen, "I heard it was fantastic." He mutters.

I shrug walking in behind him, placing my coffee on his desk, "I think it was average."

Dinozzo looks between the two of us again, "What did you do?" Ah, Dinosey was back.

I smirk slightly, looking Anthony dead in the eyes, "Jethro." He falters for a moment, stumbling back slightly.

McGee chose that moment to walk in stopping shortly when he noticed that Dinozzo stood there silently, "Why is Tony frozen again?" He questions, looking at me.

"Oh I told him about my night." I explain, nodding to myself.

Ellie walks in at the moment, placing her jacket on her chair, "Oh how was it?" She asks, looking at me expectantly, along with everyone else except for the frozen Anthony who was still in shock.

I turn to Gibbs and smile shaking my head in amusement, "He was, in his words, 'fantastic'."

Eleanor snorts taking a seat, "Ya and who was the he?"

Anthony chose that moment to rejoin the conversation, "Gibbs." Everyone but me looks at Jethro shocked.

"What?" he snaps looking at them in annoyance.

They all stumble over there words, "Nothing boss," Dinozzo starts, "It's just Arabella's young and your well not." I chuckle quietly to myself, oh he just doesn't know when to shut up did he.

"Do you have a point Dinozzo?" Jethro asks, an eyebrow raised. I could tell he was amused by all of this though he didn't show it.

"Well no boss it's just rule number 12-"

"Anthony let it go." I cut him off, "We aren't dating. We just spent the night together."

"Doing what?" The directors voice sounds through the bullpen brining the attention to him. Everyone turned to him in slight shock except for me and Jethro who knew he was there. Timothy, Anthony and Ellie all stumbled to get to work on their paperwork from the last case and even Jethro logged onto his computer pretending he was doing something.

I shook my head in amusement and turned to Vance, "Take a wild guess Director."

Leon glared at me then Gibbs, "Gibbs can I talk to you?"

I snort, "No you can not Director." I answer for him, "Especially if the conversation is surrounding my sex life daddio." The last word held much venom causing the director to slightly flinch.

Jethro just looks between the two of us then stood up, "Ducky just sent me an email, he wants to talk to me." I knew he was lying as Ducky didn't email people bur I didn't comment as he walked away.

Turning back to Vance, I tilt my head to the side in question, "Is there anything you need Director?" I ask.

He ignores me and instead turns to the team, "She might not work her but you do so I would suggest actually working agents." He makes eye contact with me for a moment before he walked back towards the stares to his office. It was silent until he entered MTAC but the second he did we all broke out laughing.

Throwing my head back I walk to Jethro's desk and sit down, "You know we should really get me a desk." I state.

Anthony shrugs, "I'm sure you could ask daddy dearest."

"Don't make me hit you Anthony."

He holds his hands up in surrender, "Sorry Ella." Rolling my eyes, I turn my attention to Gibbs computer.

Meet me in the file room.

I chuckle lightly, standing up from his desk, "I better go see what Ducky wants." I mumble, walking out of the bullpen.

It's a feelingDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora