~ oh that's golden ~

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The Fray ~ Over My Head

"Everyone knows I'm in,

Over my head,"

My gaze stays locked on the directors office, thoughts running wild. I was sitting in Jethro's seat, my body posture stiff. I had come to work early to apologize for yesterday, I'm not one to let my emotions out that easily and I had no right to drag Jethro into my breakdown.


I look up at familiar eyes. I smile lightly, "Thank you Anthony."

He nods, leaning against Gibbs desk, "You and the boss are awfully close."


"Aren't you a bit young for our silver haired bossman?"

I look up at him with a wry smile, "I tend to like older men."

Anthony pouts, "But what about me."

"Anthony you are not my type."

"And an emotionless boat building coffee addicted bossy man is your type?"

Chuckling, I shrug, "I like men who know what they're doing, if an emotionless boat building coffee addicted bossy man is what it takes to g-"

"Good morning guys." McGee greets, walking to his desk, he pauses to look at Dinozzo, "What did you do to make him speechless?"

I shrug again, "Just my preference in men and what they do in bed." I admit.

Jethro walks into the bullpen, "Ya, and what's that?"

I smile up at him biting my bottom lip, "You."

Anthony chokes on his coffee and McGee trips over his feet. Jethro raises his eyebrows up in amusement, holding out his hand to help me from his seat, "You gonna let me sit in your lap?" I casually flirt, letting him pull me up from my seat. Anthony had by then got to his seat, but was still red and a but shocked.

"Only if you want."

This time I actually laugh aloud, shaking my head gently. I pat Jethro's cheek, "Not in front of the children." I joke.

"Hey! I'm older than you." And Anthony's back.

I shrug, winking at Jethro before turning around, "And I just might become your step mummy."

Ellie walks in, setting her bag on her desk, "Ready?"

I nod, "Pattycake?" she nods.

"McGee why are you jut standing there?" Eleanor asks him, scrunching her eyebrows in confusion. He looks at me then Jethro But doesn't say anything, instead sitting down.

I look at Ellie, "I was flirting with Jethro and the boys both had mini heart attacks." I explain, smirking slightly. She chuckles lightly, highly aware of my antics. Truth was there was a small part of me that was attracted to Jethro, but I had rules. And one of those rules was to not date a coworker, and as long as I was in America, Jethro was my coworker.

Walking over to me, Ellie pulls me down in front of her desk with her, "What do we need to remember today?" she asks quietly.

"Same thing."

She nods, not asking questions. That's what I liked about Eleanor, she never asked questions if she knew I didn't want them asked.

I was trying to remember that night, I got flashes in dreams but I couldn't remember everything and that made me mad. I was a trained assassin yet I couldn't remember one night. Shit.

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