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"Say goodbye."

"Why would I have to say goodbye? He's not going anywhere."

Ava looked at Leandra, something guilty in her eyes. "Yes, he is, Leandra. We all knew this day was coming eventually. He needs to undergo his surgery for the Swipe, now. I suggest you say goodbye before you lose the chance."

"If I don't say goodbye then he's not going anywhere," the girl announced stubbornly, arms firmly crossed over her chest.

"It's not how it works. He's going in there, whether you like it or not. I suggest you make your peace, before it's too late."

"You wouldn't dare," she hissed darkly, and Ava set her jaw, staring down at the girl.

"I'm trying to be kind, Leandra–"

"Any kindness you had is gone! This isn't how you're supposed to do it, this isn't how you're supposed to treat kids who did nothing wrong! I don't care if it's a bloody stupid cure you're looking for, but you do not get to hurt my best friend!"

Ava looked up at the guards positioned on either side of the door, and waved her hand. They knew what it meant, but so did the girl. She shrieked the moment they grabbed her arms, pulling her out of the corridor, and her screams echoed around the halls. "NO, LET GO OF ME! YOU CAN'T DO IT, HE'S GOING TO DIE IN THERE! THEY'RE ALL GOING TO DIE! I DIDN'T– I DIDN'T GET TO TELL HIM– LET GO OF ME! I DIDN'T GET TO APOLOGISE!"

And before she realised what was happening her face was awash with tears and the boy in the lab had heard the familiar voice, eyes going wide. "Stop!" he yelled, jumping up from the bed as fast as he could in the hospital gown. His feet padded along to the door, staring through the circular window, screaming, "NO, LEAVE HER ALONE!" at the sight of his best friend being dragged away.

But a pain pricked in his arm, and suddenly he couldn't feel anymore. He never remembered what it was he was grieving, and he didn't remember the only person who kept him going.


"Come on, we're not going to be positioned in time!"

"I'm coming!" Leandra hisses back, taking a pause behind a rock, trying to suck in breaths. "Not all of us were Runners in a never-ending Maze, you know! Some people need to breathe!"

"Well, breathe faster!" Newt rushes, although there's the slightest smile on his lips. "Stop talking about breathing and breathe!"

"Stop rushing my breathing!"

It's a moment before Leandra's dragging her legs against the barren and destroyed wasteland beside Newt, the latter with a bag on his back, yet still faster than Leah. He slows purposely so they can keep in stride, and she shoots a grateful smile in his direction before trying to make herself go faster so he won't have to. Honestly, he's got a limp and she's still slower.

A while of silent running passes before they both collapse against the back of a large boulder, taking a breather. One glance at each other before Leandra bursts out laughing, Newt grinning to himself. The last few months have changed a lot, and the girl can't help but feel grateful. It's almost like before, except before they were in WICKED trying to get out. Now they're out of WICKED trying to get in.

"You sure this is the spot we planned?" she questions Newt breathlessly, running a hand through her messy hair.

"Of course," he scoffs. "I'm not going to get something like this wrong, am I?" He pulls something out of his pocket, a map, and spreads it on the ground. Leandra's fingers trail in the sand, spelling her name out, but he doesn't seem to notice at first. Neither does she, in all honesty. "Look. This is where the train left, and judging by the speed of an average train, and the speed of Jorge's truck, the length of the train and Thomas's speed, this is where they'd be able to stop it. The absolute last place, so we might have to backtrack a little."

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