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"It's the girl from the woods!"

I left Peter alone once we left the tent to greet his brother with his family. I greeted Orieus as I walked out who raised an eyebrow at me then to Peter. I chuckled before running away leaving Peter by himself. 

Honestly, I didn't know where I was going. I know after the attack with the wolves I wanted to try out what I could really do with my magic and now I had time to. So that's where I went. 

The path to the training ground was fairly easy and no one was there to see me fail so even better. I took the sword I was holding and placed it on the ground as I walked further out into the clear field. 

The space was empty and I had no idea where to start. I found a giant boulder at the edge of the field and decided I could use that as my target for now. I stood in front of the eight-foot boulder a took a big breath. 

I looked down at my hands and closed my eyes trying to get the energy to form. Forming it was the easiest part, the manipulation was the hard one. 

The only time I successfully do it was when Peter was in danger. When I was scared so if I can just replicate that feeling... I remembered sitting on the hill with Peter right before the horn blew signaling for Peter. The rush of adrenaline that ran through me when we burst through the thicket of the woods. The fear when that wolf landed on Peter.

I opened my hands to see a glowing ball the size of a basketball floating above them. I laughed in amazement, proud of myself. Timidly, I walked until I was facing the boulder again. My hand was raised above my hand before I chucked it as hard as I could at the boulder. The sparks of the ball spread around the giant rock before exploding it into shards, the impact knocking me backward a few feet. 

I hit the ground with a grunt. Maybe not that strong next time. 


The next few hours were spent with me and only me on that field practicing different things. I got comfortable with the forming and manipulating of certain things. My favorite so far was an energy sword. 

I would start with forming a ball in one hand then letting it slide down my hand and shaping it into a long sword. Aslan had taught me how to sword fight long ago but I've never had to use it. I fought with myself repeating the same moves Aslan taught me long ago. 

My wrist bend fluidly has my body twisted around, pretending to block an attack. I went into a flip, throwing my sword and catching it as I landed in a roll. I felt free. 

My concentration was snapped away when I heard clapping coming from the entrance. I evaporated the sword when I saw Peter and Edmund standing there. 

"Hey," I greet as I jog up to the brothers. "How's it going?"

"It's the girl from the woods!" Edmund exclaimed when he saw me. 

"Glad to be known as the girl from the woods." I laugh as I stick out a hand for him to shake. "I'm Y/N." He shakes my hand.


Peter cut in as I drew my hand back. "Orieus just showed us some moves with a sword and we were wondering if you wanted to come with us to practice."

"I'd love to." I smiled. 


I got my black and white horse from the stables and gave Peter and Edmund theirs. Edmund got the brown one and Peter got a white unicorn. I slung my leg over the saddle and adjusted the reigns before trotting out of the stables.

Peter learned how to ride really quickly but Edmund took a minute. Eventually, we were riding through a field. 

"Draw your swords!" I yelled over my shoulder to the boys. I heard the sheath of their swords as I formed mine in my hand. I was getting quicker and better at it. 

"Come on, Ed." Peter laughed as we rode. "Sword point up, like Orieus showed us." We were riding by the archery training place. I watched as the boys clashed their swords.

"En Garde!" Edmund called, hitting his brother's sword.

"Now block," I yelled at Peter. The three of us clashed our swords in fits of laughter but it was quickly diminished by someone calling our names. 

"Peter, Edmund, Y/N!" Mr. Beaver called as he waddled up to us as quickly as his tiny legs could carry him. Edmunds horse reared back to which Edmund yelled, "Woah Horsie!"

"My name is Phillip." The horse retorted back making me laugh. Edmund looked like he had just seen a ghost making it even funnier. 

We turned our attention back to the beaver who looked quite stressed. "The Witch has demanded a meeting with Aslan. She's on our way here." Any sense of happiness faded from my face. The Witch was coming.

Stained Glass ~ Peter Pevensie X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now