Cair Paravel

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"That's Cair Paravel, the castle of the four thrones."

I showed the three around the parts that I knew and eventually their tent. I let them get settled as I left to find Aslan again. 

"Aslan," I said, running up to him. "How are you going to get the other one back?" I questioned, breathing quickly after running all the way here. 

"I'll have to retrieve him. I'll find a way don't you worry young one." He turned his back to me and walked off. I sighed not knowing where I wanted to go since I didn't want to keep bothering the Pevensies. I scanned the area until something caught my eye. 

Peter stood on top of one of the hills that overlooked the entirety of the camp. I shrugged deciding I had nothing better to do. 

The snow was completely gone from the hill he was standing on and the area seemed to be glowing. It was beautiful. The hill was full of flowers and all kinds of bugs flew around. I made it to the top of the hill without him realizing I was there.

"Hey, Peter," I said as I walked up next to him. His gaze shifted from where he was looking to meet mine. 

"Nice to see you Calypso." I let out a laugh at the name knowing he was mocking me from earlier. 

"Is that what you're calling me now."

"That's what I'm calling you." He looked back out across the land, a smile never leaving his face. I followed his eyes to see where he was looking. 

"That's Cair Paravel, the castle of the four thrones," I said knowing he was going to take a seat in one of them. "In one of which you will sit, Peter, as High King," I said mocking what Aslan would say. He laughed as well. But after he finished his smile faded and he looked back down to the ground. 

"I'm not kidding, though." I reminded him. "Here sit." I patted a spot of ground and took a seat myself followed shortly by Peter. "I remember every night Aslan would say 'one night closer to the saviors arrive.' It kept me going." We locked eyes for a moment before I looked away. "Quite honestly, I thought the big saviors of Narnia would be a tad bit older." 

"I wouldn't say 'saviors'." He said a bit upset. 

"Well, I would." I sighed. "Before you came everything was frozen. Everything to the thinnest branch. Then one day, Aslan said you'd arrived. That's the day everything started melting." I placed my hand on the grass which only four days ago would be blanketed with snow and ice. "Now we have these." I closed my eyes and focused my energy on the palm of my hand thinking of what I wanted to grow. I felt something brush the bottom of my hand.

When I opened my eyes and removed my hand, a section of grass had become a patch of dandelions. I smiled at my success. It had been a while since I had correctly done anything like this.

"Bloody hell! That's amazing!" He said dumbfounded at what used to be plain grass. "How is that possible?"

I shrugged. "Aslan likes to call it Chaos Energy."

"I wouldn't say 'chaos." He looked at me. "It's more like-" He paused to think it over for a second making me laugh. "Like- yeah I got nothing." I laughed even harder at it. "But not chaos!" He clarified. 

"I know what you mean." I smiled and stared back over the water at the castle that hung close to the water. "I'm sorry about your brother," I said referring to the kid who I forgot his name. We locked gazes again.

"Me too..." He trailed off trying not to think about. 

We sat in silence for a while. Not an awkward silence, more like a comfortable one. It was nice having him around. 

Then a sound blared through the air making any sense of quiet fly away. 

"What was that??" I asked concerned at the new sound. 

His heart seemingly fell as his brain registered the sound. "Susan." He scrambled to his feet and I did as well. "That's Susan's horn."

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