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"I'm done," Jo placed the powder brush on her dresser and stepped back.

Finally able to see my reflection, I beamed back at the beautiful woman beaming at me. Jo, modest as she was, was skilled in the art of makeup and my face looked amazing. I puckered my red lips and giggled like a silly teenager.

"I take it you like?" Jo asked.

"Like? I love it. Thank you." I smiled at her.

"It's nothing girl, now help me decide, the pink or the yellow?" She lifted up two gowns and my head tilted a bit, weighing the options with scrutiny.


"I knew you were wise," she chuckled before walking into her closet with both gowns, "I'm going to finish my makeup in here as well," she called out.

"Alright," I called back.

I stood up from the dresser chair and moved to the full length mirror placed against the dark purple wall. My old, but reliable deep V long sleeved top was neatly tucked into the matte red miniskirt that hadn't been out of my closet for a while prior this night. My gaze ended on the black heeled knee high boots my mom gifted me for Christmas last year.

I looked good.

The long awaited opening of Bella's cousin's club was finally here. Jo and I, had earlier on in the week decided to meet at her place then leave for the club together, where we'd meet up with Bella and her boyfriend and Heather and her fiance.

Jo emerged from her closet minutes later, her makeup done and outfit on.

"We look yummy." She winked.

"Yes we do." I grinned. After ensuring we were completely set, we left her house and hailed a taxi to the venue.

The exterior of the club, Bling Bling lived up to its name. The building was mostly black but the luminous lighting around, painted it alight with shine. I was still admiring the outside of the club when Bella and her boyfriend arrived. Shortly after, Heather and her fiance arrived as well. We spent the next few minutes going through the introductions before Bella led the way into the Bling Bling.

The ground floor was already filled with people dancing, drinking and grinding. The music was loud but it instantly made me want to dance. Bella continued moving till we were on the second floor which was the VIP lounge. We ended up seated at a private table inside another mini lounge.

"Drink, party and have fun to your fill everyone! Drinks on the house tonight!" She declared. At the same moment, waiters wearing black bowties appeared and served the table with trays of different alcohols and glasses.

"Your cousin's club is amazing Bella." I said over the music.

"Really amazing." Heather smiled.

"I guess the idiota did do well this time," Bella's smile was full of mirth and pride, "cheers to all of us and Bling Bling!" She downed a shot of vodka and grinned again.

The table remained lively as we drank, cheered and conversed. As the first hour dwindled by, Bella and Rafael were the first to leave the table to the dance floor.

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