First Dates Come With Pork Chops

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"You said you didn't have one, so the most plausible solution was to get you one," Mateo says over my laughing.

"It's adorable." I look over it, running my hands over it. The fabric is so soft.

"You're adorable," Mateo tells me. I swear if I spend any more time around him, my heart will melt and render me immobile.

"Nah," I mumble, becoming shy.

"Yeah, and I bet your ass would look even more adorable in the skirt," Mateo tells me.

"Stop, it will not," I answer, hiding my red face behind the menu.

"Oh, so you plan on wearing it? I can get you a maid costume too," Mateo teases, putting his menu up as well.

"Unfortunately, I am not a TikTok femboy-" Mateo cuts me off before I can finish my train of thought.

"Nah, you're just a femboy," Mateo teases, reaching over to push my shoulder.

"Well, if I'm a femboy, then what are you?" I question, scanning the menu before flicking my eyes back up to look at him.

"Hot." Mateo's comment is cocky but somehow doesn't seem arrogant.

"Ha, ha, ha," I deadpan, no humor in my voice.

"Are you saying I'm not hot? Because that's not what you were saying when you were groping my abs," Mateo questions. He sets down the menu, "Wanna split the applewood smoked pork chops? It comes with two. And then we can get two sides."

"Oo. We could get the maple butter glazed carrots and macaroni carbonara." I suggest pointing out the dishes on the menu.

"If that's what you want." Mateo smiles, looking at me sweetly.

The waiter comes back to the table. He's still sporting that look of disdain on his face. Mateo grabs my hand before starting to order. Mateo turns to me. "What do you want, babe?"

There is a quiet scoff from the waiter. Mateo whips away from me and glares at the waiter. 

"Alright, you've been throwing us sour looks since we got here. So I feel entitled to ask, what the hell is your deal?" Mateo's words are filled with venom. I softly squeeze his hand.

"Well, I don't think you should come into a family restaurant acting like that." The waiter makes a circular motion with his hand at us.

"Like what?" Mateo asks the man through gritted teeth.

"You know acting like goddamn, f*gs. This is a family establishment. I'm sure that I'm not the only one that would appreciate it if you didn't act like that." The waiter crosses his arms across his chest.

"Excuse me, sir, just because you're not getting any doesn't mean you have to hate on us for being happy. And frankly, I would appreciate it if you get a less bigotted server." Mateo spits out his words.

"I'll bring my manager over if you want to act like that."

"Act like what? Like some human decency is in order?" Mateo's voice is scary quiet.

"Mateo, it's okay," I whisper as I rub small circles on the back of his hand. The waiter disappears, rolling his eyes at us.

"It's really not okay. The guy is an intolerant asshole and-"

I cut off Mateo's tangent, "An asshole that you shouldn't let ruin our first date." I smile up at him. I take a sip of the glass of water that was on the table when we arrived.

"You're right," Mateo grumbles.

The waiter returns to our table with a plump woman aged about 30. "So what's the issue? I heard you've requested a new server? Has Matthew done something to offend you?"

"No, not at all. Mathew here just insulted our sexualities and asked us to not act like the f-slur," Mateo says, glaring in the direction of Matthew.

"Oh, my dears, I am so sorry. Matthew, go to the kitchen! I'll deal with you later. I am so sorry, can I offer the two of you half off your meal along with free dessert." The woman looks incredibly sorry, and you can see the hurt in her eyes.

"Oh, that's not necessary-" Mateo starts to say. I don't like handouts, even if they're based on the need to apologize. Mateo clearly doesn't like them either.

"Nonsense," The woman cuts me off. "My son and his husband would never let me hear the end of it if I didn't offer some consolation for the two of you."

"Well, alright. I really appreciate it, Miss." Mateo smiles at me. Mateo is quite pissed. Even though Mateo is angry. He definitely looks hot in his baby blue button-up.

"There never should have been an issue. But I am happy to resolve it." The woman smiles sweetly. I glance at her name tag pinned to the apron on her waist. It says, Darla. Darla claps her hands together, a look of excitement is sparkling on her face. "I'll be your server now."

"Thank you, Darla," I tell her.

Mateo places our order, and I ask for lemonade for myself. Mateo orders a coke for himself. Darla takes our menus then leaves us, and a silence settles over us.

"Is that the first time that's happened to you?" I ask Mateo.

"Yeah," He mumbles, looking over at me.

"You get used to it." I shrug, intertwining my fingers with his. Mateo's hands are callused, and I can't help but wish they were roaming across my body.

"I don't want either of us to have to be used to it." Mateo lets out a breath of frustration before continuing. "We shouldn't have to be! It's not the 1950s anymore! If I wanna go on a date with some cutie, then that's my business."

"You clearly have never ridden the subway," I tell him.

"What happens on the subway?" Mateo asks, a look of alarm on his face.

"Very," I pause, "interesting slurs."

"Oh," Mateo whispers.

We go through some basic chit-chat, and then the food arrives.

"I got the chef to work extra quick!" Darla places the plates in front of us. I start to eat, and Darla says, enjoy as she leaves.

Mateo begins to eat, as well. Then he says, "I bet you'd look better with me in your mouth." I choke on the food a bit, not expecting him to say that.

" I choke on the food a bit, not expecting him to say that

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