Chocolate Raspberry Cheesecake

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"Why you gotta be dirty, Mateo? Let me eat my carrots without providing innuendos, please."

"It's not my fault that you look sexy when you eat." Mateo wiggles his eyebrows at me. He starts to cut up one of the pork chops while I eat the carrots.

"It's not my fault! You're overly concerned with sex. Maybe you should get some so that you could stop thinking about it." I take a sip of my lemonade.

"Could you help with that?" Mateo asks in a husky tone as he leans in close to me.

"You see, I would, but I have to work tomorrow," I say, looking at him with a teasing look in my eyes.

"I don't see why you need to work when I could just give you what you'll get paid at your job," Mateo tells me while he takes a bite of his pork chop.

"Mateo, unless we're at a strip show and I'm on stage, I don't want your money. I would rather earn it," I say, eating some of my own pork chops.

"Well, you could put that skirt on then strip down to nothing while I throw crumpled up ones at you. That would be nice," Mateo offers with a sly smile.

"That's something I'll do for free." I smile, finishing off my pork chop.

"Oh, really?" Mateo asks while he eats some of the macaroni.

"Yeah, when I'm done with work," I smirk at him.

"So, I will be getting a strip-tease? And I am also allowed to throw crumpled ones in your direction?" Mateo asks, reaching over to run his thumb across my bottom lip.

God, Mateo's desire for a strip-tease is making me shy. I bite my bottom lip as he pulls away. He's nearly finished with his meal, and so I am.

Darla returns to our table with a dessert menu. Mateo and I settle on chocolate cheesecake with a raspberry sauce. I hadn't been looking closely at the menu, but I caught a glance at the price, and my eyes widen.

Darla left our table to place our dessert order in the kitchen. "Mateo." I pause for a minute, "This place is really high-end."

We both know that I mean expensive when I said that this place is high-end. "I know, and I've got the tab."

"Oh, I figured we'd split it. You know, be equal and stuff," I explain with a slight frown.

"Nah, I wanna spoil you." Mateo laces our fingers together and smiles sweetly.

"You don't have to do that," I mumble.

"I want to." Mateo gives my hand a squeeze. "Plus, I'll beat you up if you try to pay. But you'd probably like it if I were to rough you up a little, wouldn't you?" Mateo asks teasingly.

I bite my bottom lip. My face flushes red from Mateo's comment. "Can I leave a tip?"

"I'm pretty positive that tips count as paying." Mateo starts to smile, most likely because if I pay, he'll get to rough me up.

"Fine," I sigh.

Darla returns to the table with one plate of cheesecake and two forks. The cheesecake has raspberries around it and on the top is a heart design made out of the raspberry sauce.

Darla gives us a sly smile before saying, "Enjoy, boys! I'll bring the check 'round in a moment."

"Ah, cute!" I practically squealed in excitement.

"Just like you," Mateo tells me in agreement.

"Stop," I mumble, a blush beginning to form on my cheeks.

Mateo takes a bite of the cheesecake. We both finish the cheesecake as Mateo continues to give sly comments to me as I eat.

Darla comes back and gives us the tab. She sets it in front of Mateo, giving him a smile as she does so. Mateo smiles at her and hands Darla his card to cover the bill. Mateo leaves Darla a hearty tip.

"Thank you for being so kind," I tell Darla. She gives me a smile in return before disappearing.

"Ready to go?" Mateo asks, brushing a bit of my hair behind my ear.

I nod, smiling at him. "Let's go."

We leave the restaurant with our hands intertwined. In my other arm is the box with my skirt in it. We walk for a bit until we reach Mateo's car. Mateo opens the door for me. "Such a gentleman," I tell him.

We start to drive to my apartment. Mateo rests his hand on my thigh. For what feels like the millionth time this evening, my cheeks are colored red. I look out the window, trying to hide my blush from Mateo.

"You look cute when you blush," Mateo tells me. He slides his hand a little higher up my thigh.

"You always look cute," I say, looking over at Mateo and smiling.

"Nah, I'm a hot piece of ass." Mateo laughs and slides his hand higher still up my thigh. I can feel a tent forming in my jeans as he brushes my inner thigh.

"Why can't you just take my freaking compliment?" I groan.

"Because you won't let me up into your apartment to show you this hot piece of ass," Mateo explains. His thumb is rubbing circles on my leg, his hand occasionally grazing my growing length.

We're stopped in front of my apartment now. "Mateo," I groan out as Mateo starts to rub me through my jeans.

"Yes, darling?" Mateo asks in a teasing tone that somehow seems sexy.

I unbuckle and climb onto his lap. I smash my lips onto his own, pulling his bottom lip with my teeth. I pull away a bit to say, "You've been teasing me since we got in the car."

I begin to kiss Mateo's neck. I nip softly at his skin. "That's because I wanted this to happen." He lets out a low moan as I start to suck on his neck. "You better stop before I fuck you in the back of my car."

I pull away and rest my forehead against his own. "Well, I guess I'll go inside because I would like to be able to walk tomorrow."

Mateo presses a hungry kiss to my lips and begins exploring my mouth with his tongue. "You taste like chocolate," Mateo murmurs.

I roll off of him, "Good night, Mateo."

"Good night, Finn," Mateo tells me, sporting a look of lust in his eyes.

"Good night, Finn," Mateo tells me, sporting a look of lust in his eyes

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