Chapter Twenty Six: Decisions

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Lola's Pov

Once everyone arrives Daniel spits out the question I've been dying to ask.

"What's he doing here?" Daniel questions, he has a sisnistar dark tone that I'd never heard before.

"We have something to tell you." April confesses, everyone turns to her with a confused look and my head fills with thoughts of betrayal. "It's not what you think Lola."

"Explain." I spat. The boys stand around me as a form of protection from any physical pain however the emotional pain I know they won't be able to protect me like they want to.

"Emily isn't who you think she is." April spoke, her eyes flicking towards Ace, promoting him to talk but he just looked towards the floor. "She's you're twin sister Lola."

My breath stopped, everyone turned to look at me. I can feel their heads twirling in an attempt to process the information that they just heard. Mine doing the same.

"She wants to destroy your life. She came to me today, she's kidnapped Austin and wants me to betray you to save him." April explained. My face turns to a look of confusion that I knew I couldn't hide.

"What?" I question before I can stop myself.

"I won't do it Lola, I can't. But I can't lose my brother." April sighs, my heart breaks. April is giving up her chance to save her brother for me.

"What's his excuse?" Daniel spits, his glare directed towards Ace now. Ace sighs, looking towards April who lightly nods.

"Emily came to me a month before we saved Lola. She said she could tell me where Lola is before she died but she would only do it if I helped her ruin Lola's life. She said if I used to to get the information she would make sure Lola died in a much more painful way." Ace admitted with a sad sigh escaped his lips.
"It was all apart of a plan, if I tried to back out she woukd threaten one of you as well as Lola."

"You went through that alone?" Daniel asked, a shocked voice breaking through his angry exterior. Ace just nodded sadly.

"I'm sorry this is great and all but why are we here?" Ethan asked breaking the tension in the room.

"We thought you could help us with our Emily problem." April spoke, "We haven't got a plan but..."

"Of course we'll help I'll go anything to protect my best friend." Ethan spoke with confidence, I turned to him and smiled, he smiled back an award winning smile.

"Let's come up with a plan." I spoke with new determination. Everyone nodded and started talking.

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