Chapter Thirteen: Pain

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I'm only human
And I bleed when I fall down
I'm only human
And I crash and I break down
Human - Christina Perr

Lola's Pov

I've been here for a month now. I already regret my decision to leave Daniel and the others. I didn't know them long but I had a feeling we could've been friends. Why do I have to be so stubborn?
I hope James is taking my advice. What if Samantha comes back? My heart aches for the closest thing I had to a brother since Daniel left.

I haven't seen him since he left me in this room a week ago. Someone comes to bring me food, it's always a diffrent female, they are never the same person and never a male.
They always come at exactly 8 am for breakfast, then 12 pm for lunch and 8 pm for dinner. They never break from the schedule. The routine makes me feel safe. Maybe he won't do it this time. Maybe I'll be safe this time.

Currently it's 1 pm, I'm semi relaxed on the bed, still on alert just in case Andrew decides to pay me a visit. The door slides open and I'm walks an unformillia male.

"You have been requested." the man in front of my spoke. I nod silently and follow after him as he walks out the room and down some unformillia halls. He takes so many twists and turns that I knew I would never be able to remember.

We reach a door, the man knocks on the door and a 'come in' is heard from the other side. I recognise the voice instantly, the voice that plagues my nightmares. The man opens the door.

"Good job Johnson, I trust she is unharmed." Andrew speaks in a much too joyful tone.

"She is unharmed sir." The man now identified as Johnson speaks. Andrew nods in approval and moves his hand to the side to tell Johnson to leave. He does so with a slight nod of respect.

"Now my sweet Koala bear, we're going to have lots of fun." Andrew speaks with a sinistsr smile.
Andrew stands up from his chair and slowly walks towards my standing figure. I hold back a whimper and attempt to stop myself from shaking. I push away the dangerous thoughts.
"Your going to follow me and you won't fight me. Understand?" Andrew asks, his voice has turned cold and emotionless.

"Yes sir." I whimper, allowing myself to finally submit to the fear that's bubbling inside me.
Andrew smirks and walks out of the room, I hesitate before following behind him.


My legs are numb, I'm in a pool of my own blood. I fought. I didn't mean to fight. My tounge hurt from biting it so hard.
I try to sit up but fail, my eyes become heavy and I sigh, I wonder what will happen tomorrow.

Two months later

Every day for the past two weeks he's raped me, sometimes his friends would join in. Someone's it was just him. But it was always three times a day, every day. I haven't eaten in two months. The hunger vanished after two weeks of starvation. My legs are too week to stand, my arms are too week to hold my body up. I couldn't fight, even if I wanted to. I can't fight. I have to protect my brother and his friends and James.

The door opens for the second time today but I'm not greeted by Andrew's sick smile. Instead it's a wicked laugh belonging to Johnson.

"I'm going to do whatever I want. You will tell no one." Johnson says. I nod weakly as he sets to work on his goal.

Four months later

It's been months but it feels like years. My ribcage is showing now, I have cuts and brusises all over my body. I'm so weak. Nothing has stopped Johnson's visits have gotten more and more frequent. The thoughts of my brother and James being the only things keeping me alive.

There is the sound of yelling outside but I am far to weak to hear what is being said. The world starts to turn black, darkness calling out to me. It pleaseds for me to join it, I attempt to fight it but I give it, far too weak to fight it this time.

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