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authors note: @mybabydallaswinston is the reason why these chapters are continuing please go follow them!!


I was so incredibly bored with this girl. I wondered if someones voice box could break from talking so much.

"And then I was like you don't get to talk to me like that Marcus!" Diana said, I nodded.

"Yeah," I faked a smile, I didn't want to be rude. Plus I bet Jacqueline would get a real laugh at the thought of Diana Britt talking to me. She only was because her boyfriend was getting drunk with some of his friends and decided to be real dirty to her. I'd probably have some sympathy for her if she wasn't so annoying.

"You know...you're not so bad for a greaser." she said, smacking on her gum and smiling at me. I shrugged,

"Thanks," I responded. I was starting to like her less and less, not so bad for a greaser. Only reminded me of how to her I was just some distraction until her boyfriend got back.

"Uhm I gotta go." I said getting up, I'd just find Jacqueline myself. Diana was getting on my last nerve, plus she was way better to talk to.

I went to the snack shop first, I expected some sort of massive line, but there were two people and neither one of them was Jacqueline. Weird.


I went over what I was going to say in my head as I dialed Ponyboy's number. I'd decided a few minutes ago and had decided now was a good time to finalize our break up, it was in the afternoon, but not evening. Meaning it wouldn't be too early or too late to call.

"We aren't working out," I muttered to myself as the phone rang.

1 ring,

2 rings,

3 ri-

"Hello?" Ponyboy. I was relieved it wasn't one of his friends or brothers. Only the Lord himself knows how awkward that would've been. Asking if they could get him for me, waiting for him, and then having the phone passed along. I'd die on the spot out of embarrassment.

"Hey it's Jacqueline," I said, I felt a little bad. I sort of deserted him there, I wonder how long he waited around for me. Or maybe he went home with Diana, who knows.

"Oh...hey. Did I say somethin' to upset you on Thursday? I'm real sorry if I did, I wouldn't have meant-"

"We're not working out Ponyboy." I said, cutting him off. I wanted this to be over as soon as possible. The sooner this conversation was over the sooner the relationship would be, right?


I took a breath in and recounted what I had memorized.

"We're not working out Ponyboy, I'm sorry. I think we should break up, I'll return you your money at school on Monday at the end of English class when nobody else is there. It's safer this way." I said coolly and calmly just how I imagined it. No stutters, backtracking, or useless apologies.

"Oh..." he said. I wanted to take back what I'd said, but there'd be no use for it. I wasn't going to burden him anymore and that was final.

"Sorry Ponyboy." I said and swiftly hung up the phone. I probably sounded a lot more okay with the situation than I felt. I tried not to feel it, but I did. I felt awful, Susan was right, I did and still do really like Ponyboy. But there's no use in wallowing over something that's already been done, right? I made my way downstairs to get something to drink or eat to distract me.


I was watching the time tick by in English class, three minutes until the end of the day. Tomorrow's the last day before Winter Break and kids were already getting restless waiting for it, meaning everyone was going to be out of class in a matter of seconds. I looked back down to my notebook and the neat dollar bill and two quarters sitting at the opening page. I knew how I was going to hand it to him and how fast it'd take me to leave the classroom after everyone else.

The bell rang and I pretended to still be writing the vocabulary words on the board the substitute had left, nobody had the heart to tell her that we're in high school and don't really do those anymore. Once the classroom was empty besides us obvious two I got up out of my seat, grabbing the money. I made a direct walk to Ponyboy's desk. I stood in front of it, placed the money on his desk, and turned right back around to get my things. It went even better than I had imagined, he didn't even say anything, he was just looking at me funny. Like he didn't understand. I was halfway out the classroom door when I heard my name being called by no other than Ponyboy. I chose not to hear him as I went to my locker, opening it up and grabbing my book bag.

"Jacqueline," Ponyboy, again. This time there was no easy way out, he was standing in front of me as I attended to my locker.

"Yes?" I asked, slinging my backpack over my shoulders and turning towards him. Just as I had predicted, the halls were bare and empty, nobody in their right mind wanted to be here.

"Did I do something wrong? It just feels so sudden ya know? I thought we were havin' a good time and I don't need the money back it's alright." he said, handing the money back to me. I sighed.

"I saw you with Diana Ponyboy, it's alright." I told him before shutting my locker and walking away from him. When I got outside I found my usual clique waiting for me,

"Jesus Christ there you are, c'mon." Susan said, grabbing my arm and dragging me along with her as the four of us walked to her house.

authors note:
hey y'all uhm they broke up or whateva, sorry if this is bad i didn't want y'all to be left on a cliff hanger for too long!!

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