I added new chapters when I was editing lol

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Hey y'all! Umm its currently right after New Year's Eve (literally 12:23 AM here) and I can't sleep and I've just decided on a whim to add some extra chapters to this book that lead up to the recap at the end. Like including the graduation and breakup/getting back together we never got to see. I don't know why I'm forcing this on myself because I literally hated writing this book over a year ago (sorry lmao) but I'm bored so like

UPDATE IT IS NOW 2:23 AM AND I JUST FINISHED THE TWO NEW CHAPTERS. THIS IS THE OFFICIAL END OF THE QUACKITY BOOK. I just thought that since the second to last original chapter ended on such a random note that I should have probably made the story tie up more before I concluded it. I guess I'll eventually delete this post idrk? I'll leave it up for now in case anyone got confused. 

Anyway I hope you enjoy them cause they're kind of more emotional-ish than usual but yeah have a happy and blessed 2021 my kings

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