~Doce- Kissing You~

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Well last chapter happened didn't it?

     TODAY is the official day of our second date. Sure, things were extremely awkward back at Alex's house, but later on text that night we swore not to talk about it. So, it won't be a topic of discussion. Not for now, at least.

      Just like our first date, I freak out on what to wear. We're just going on a beach date. Since east coast Mexico is always pretty warm, we could go swimming if we wanted to. But Alex said that he doesn't want to be soaking wet when he goes back home, which I understand. I don't really like wearing bathing suits anyway.

      It's 6:45, and I'm supposed to meet him outside his house at 7. I still haven't made an excuse to my mom as to where I'm going, but she's not home right now. She told me she has to go a business meeting. I'll make one to my dad, but I'll do that later.

     After a few more moments of mentally debating, I just go for my basic look. It's not like we're going to a fancy dinner or some shit. I know we both don't like elegant stuff anyway, so as long as... this... is going on, I'm not planning anything really formal to happen.

      It's seven before I know it, and I'm walking down the stairs to make an excuse to my dad. "Hey dad, I'm going to the beach for a little bit."

     "With who," He replies, taking off his glasses and putting them on the kitchen counter, "that Alex boy?"

     "NO. No. Just Steph. She wants to talk to me about something."

      "Who's Steph?"

       I roll my eyes at him teasingly. "We've been friends since 4th grade?" He doesn't reply, just continues to think.  "See you later."

We make it to the beach in one piece- other than a slight scratch on Alex's car. "So now what?" I ask him. He just shrugs, looking out to the sea. There are no benches in sight. "I guess we sit." He replies.

"Where?" I say, stifling a laugh.

"On the sand."

"Okay, but if you end up with sand up your ass it's not my fault."

We sit on the ground, looking out at the shore. It's almost sunset time. I feel Alex's gaze on me, so I turn my head to face him. We look into each other's eyes, not really caring about anything else. "Y/N, I've kinda been meaning to ask you something." This isn't happening.

My heart quickly proceeds to pound out of my chest. I quickly begin to feel nervous, avoiding direct eye contact. Before I even get a chance to reply, though, my eyes meet something I would not want to see right now. "Shit."

"What?" He asks concerned.

I don't have time to explain to him that my mom is walking near us, being able to see and catch us here at any given moment. I grab his hand and run towards his car. "Get in get in!" I open my door and let him run in. I run in after him.

"Can you please explain?" Alex asks me, concerned but still sweet.

"My mom is here. If she saw us we'd never hear the end of it." We both laugh.

The sun begins to set, both of us looking out to it through the dirty car window. Neither of us say anything for a moment of silence, until Alex decided to break it. He doesn't stutter or anything, just outright says it. "What if I told you that I have, like, a lot of feelings for you?" Oh my god.

"I... would tell you I feel the exact same way."

We turn to face each other, both of us smiling. He looks in my eyes and places both of his hands on top of mine, before smoothly putting them together. "You know, this is only our second date right?" Alex says with a laugh.

"I don't give a fuck."

And once I say that, no words are needed. All Alex does is close his eyes for a quick second, takes a deep breath, and quickly captures his lips with mine.

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