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Jimin ran down the streets of the town trying to get to Hoseok's house. He was so scared and he kept looking behind him out of fear that his dad would be running after him. Trying to get him.

Why did this have to happen? He said that he was going to be better and not drink as much as he was previously doing. So why couldn't he keep his promise? Why couldn't he treat Jimin like he was his child and not some person that he was forced to take care off?

Jimin was scared, to say the least. He didn't know if he would be able to go back home after this. His dad's alcohol problems were only getting worse and it terrified Jimin.

Tears streamed down his face as his legs became sort from the amount of running he had just done. His vision was blurry and it was hard to see what was in front of him which is why it was good that he knew the way to Hoseoks of by heart.

His breathing sped up as it felt like his lungs were about to give out. He wanted to fall on the floor and stop the pain. Would it be easier if he just let his dad hurt him till he didn't breathe anymore? He thought that to say the least.

Finally, Jimin was at the street of Hoseok's house. It was in sight and he knew he was so close to safety and he needed to hug Hoseok and tell him that it was okay. He needed someone to help him calm down so that he didn't feel like his life was being threatened.

In Hoseok's house, everyone was sat in a circle in the living room by the door waiting for Jimin to come through the door. Hoseok had told the others that in the texts Jimin seemed to be distressed. They all agreed to wait by the door so they could comfort Jimin as soon as he came into the room.

Then finally Jimin was there.

He entered the house immediately closing the door as he let out breaths more like hyperventilation as he caught his breath. His face was tear-stained with tears still strongly flowing down each side of his face. The rest stood up immediately to go over to Jimin to make sure he was okay. Which he clearly wasn't.

Jimin slowly opened his eyes and was shocked when he saw all of his friends stood in front of him. He had completely forgotten about the fact that they where all having a sleepover at Hoseok's. This was bad. Now everyone was going to find out about Jimin's home life. He was red to keep it a quiet as possible and this clearly wasn't going to happen.

Despite the panic that everyone was here, when Hoseok came up to Jimin, he hugged him and clung onto him as his life depended on it. He grasped the exact security that he hoped for when Hoseok said he could come around to his house.

The rest surrounded him, worried and incredibly concerned for what had happened and what was going on at home for Jimin.

Jimin started to sob into Hoseok's chest as Hoseok softly stroked the hair on his head. He was trying to calm him down and he didn't know what to do or if Jimin was going to calm down. His whole body was shaking and it was clear that he was having a panic attack.

Hoseok picked Jimin up and brought his over to the couch in his living room to try and get the setting a bit more comfortable and to try and calm him down a bit so he wasn't as panicked as he was.

Jimin continued to sob and cry thick tears as he hiccuped in between each sob. His body was shaking violently as he stayed clung into Hoseok for comfort. His nose was red from the cold outside and his hold body couldn't seem to get warm.

Soon, Taehyung came back to the room with a large grey blanket from Hoseoks room and wrapped it around Jimin so that he could try and calm down and to also feel secure and no feel as scared that his dad would come after him.

Everyone sat on the couches around the one that Jimin was on. Jungkook sat on the floor as there wasn't enough room on the couch. All of them kept switching between looking at Jimin and then to each other. They were trying to figure out what had happened.

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