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⚠️- TW: attempted rape

Jimin got the school ground within a couple of minutes. Although he had a tough time recently, he really thought that meeting up with Yoongi would do him well. He was just a bit confused about why he wanted to meet at the school.

Nevertheless, Jimin though back to when he ran to Hoseoks. when he woke in the middle of the night. Yoongi was there for him when everyone else was asleep. He was there to comfort Jimin before the recurring nightmare triggered a panic attack. Yoongi was someone who Jimin relied on a lot for the support.

Jimin looked back to his phone, checked where he was meant to meet with Yoongi. He saw the text that the sort to the gym was open and from there he should go to the boys changing room. He should go there because supposedly Yoongi was waiting for him there.

With it still being winter, Jimin was cold. A shiver went up his body. But for some reason, he didn't feel like the shiver was caused by the cold temperature. It felt like something was wrong. However, Jimin had full trust in Yoongi's and hoped the feeling would go by the time he meant him.

Finally, he got to the back of the gym and pushed open the door. Even though he had been told that the door would be open, he was still a little shocked when the door actually opened.

And when the door opened, every single nerve in his body told him to leave. There was something wrong. Maybe he could text Taehyung and tell him to come to the school and meet Yoongi with him.

But what if this wasn't the case? What if the feeling was because of Yoongi? What if something was happening to him? It just wouldn't be fair for him to leave.

The gym was empty and Jimin could hear his shoes echo on the floor creating an eerie effect which didn't help him with the fact he was forcing himself to stay there.

So with the feeling like something bad may be happening to Yoongi, Jimin carried on walking down to the boys changing rooms like he had been told too. The temperature seemed to get colder and Jimin wrapped himself in the thick layer which was his coat.

When he got to the changing room, the lights were off which was probably because it was a different thing to get the lights on then breaking into the school.

"Yoongi? You here?" He said slightly shouting in case he was at the other end of the changing room.

Jimin was a bit unsteady now while walking. His steps where small and he was honestly debating if he should leave. But when he turned around the corner of one of the rows of lockers, he saw someone. But it wasn't Yoongi.

"I was wondering when you would get here." He said taking his hand and moving the hair around his face. Jimin was stuck in place and he was terrified.

"Th... Theo, what are you doing here?" Jimin asked. His voice was shaky and stuck with fear as he had a genuine fear for Theo. Everything that he had done to him in school, and now there was no one to protect him.

"Waiting for you obviously," Theo said, looking down at Jimin. It was intimidating. Theo was a lot taller than Jimin and was definitely taller. That's why Jimin would get scared of walking in the hallways. He knew he couldn't fight back.

Jimin had a moment of realisation. It wasn't Yoongi who was texting him. Yoongi couldn't come to save him from whatever Theo would do to him. He was tricked this whole time. How could he be so stupid? It clearly wasn't Yoongi who he was texting before.

"B... but h...how did you get my... my number?" Jimin asked as he was terrified. He couldn't move. Frozen in place. He couldn't even speak a sentence clearly without feeling like his limit of oxygen was about to be cut off.

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