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The rain pattered heavily against the road along with my heels.

"Jason wait!!! pleaseee!" I called out while running as fast as I could.

My legs came to a sudden halt when a sudden flash blinded me, all I could hear was the screech sound of wheels on the wet road

I couldn't think or process what was happening, but within a glimpse of time I was pulled towards a chest

I turned around to meet his hazel eyes, looking at me with a mixture of anger and worry.

"Are you insane?! You almost got killed right there " he shouted

"I-I" I stammered , he didn't wait for my reply, he released me from his grip and turned on his heels going away

But this time I managed to grab his arm , making him stop

"Sia.." He whispered lowly, I know this sound.  He's furious right now but I also know if I let  him go now , I'm never getting him back again

It's my last chance

"Jason please, I can explain. You're totally midunderstood - " I began

"yeah I know" he cut me off

"wh-what do you Mean? " I asked looking in his eyes trying to find some emotion

Any emotion

But his eyes were blank, stonic almost

This was not The Jason I know

"I totally misunderstood you , I thought you were an innocent woman . I can't believe you managed to play me and my heart like that"

He said, his voice cracking

My eyes widened and mouth went dry. I cupped his face in my palms and made him look into my eyes

"Jason please , stop saying nonsense stuff. I Love- "

"DON'T!"  His voice roared making me flinch and back off

There was hardly any living creature on the road. Just me , him , dark sky and the rain


He screamed , his anger was at its peak but I could also see his eyes shedding tears

My heart broke seeing him this miserable

All because of one mistake, a mere misunderstanding


"SHUT THE FUCK UP SIA!! Look at me The CEO of one of the top most company in the world getting played by a... "

He stopped and looked down shaking his head

"By a degraded low class slut"

And my heart shattered. Completely

I saw him turn around and walk away  but this time, I didn't move or even utter a word.

I just stood there drenched in rain, watching him walk away.

This was it.

My first heartbreak by my first love.


Helloooo lovelies!!

I hope you liked this new concept

It's not a fanfiction since its not everyone's cup of tea

This story is going to bring you a lotttt of tears

Stay tuned and  please vote

Comment your thoughts and share this with your homies

I'll see you soon

I love all my readers 🌻

Bye!! 💙

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