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~Five weeks later~

Sam slowly walks into the bathroom, handing me a glass of lemonade and a few pills as I sit in front of the toilet.

"You've been throwing up all week y/n, I think it's time you go to the doctors. I'm getting really worried about you"

"No, no. I'm fine, I think it's just the food I ate, or something. Maybe a stomach bug."

"I've been with you, eating the same foods, I'm fine. Just please, make an appointment. I'll go with you if you need"

"I'll make an appointment so you stop bothering me about this, but I swear, if they just say it's the flu, you're gonna pay" I laugh as she reaches her hand down to me to help me up. I accept as I put my hand in hers pulling myself up.

This is ridiculous, right? She's just over reacting.

She makes her way to the living room while I go lay in bed.

I'm exhausted.

~A few days later~

I made an appointment to the doctors, and I make my way there.

Sam offered to take me, but I went alone. I had this feeling that I should be doing this alone.

I pull into the parking lot, shutting off the car and just sit in my car.

What am I doing? It's just the flu.

I get out of my car and into the doctors office, I sign in. They call my name and I sit in the doctors room, nervously shaking my leg, making the whole chair shake with me.

The doctor walks in and shakes my hand, here we go. I tell him my symptoms and he slightly chuckles but immediately regrets it.

Is he seriously laughing when I could potentially be dying?

"I'd like to run a few tests but I have to ask you a couple questions first"

"Of course, go ahead" I fidget with my hand, trying to fight myself from chewing my nails

"So, you've been feeling nauseous, throwing up, and you've been overly tired?"

"Yeah, I guess so. I think it's just the flu, my friend is worried about me, that's why I'm here"

"Look, Miss y/l/n, is it possible you could be pregnant?" I look at him shocked, with my eyes wide.

"No.. I mean, maybe. But it's not, it's the flu"

"Well, I'll run the tests and check all possibilities. Blood work and urine tests will tell us what we need to know, okay? The lab is down the hall, they'll get you what you need. Just stay in the waiting room while we do your urine tests, okay?"

"Of course, thank you" I slowly walk out of the room down the hall.

'I'm not pregnant, it's the flu' I keep repeating in my head.

I'm waiting in the waiting room, for what feels like forever, until they call my name back into the office.

God, I can't believe I'm doing this, I should've brought Sam. I can't do this alone.

"Well, we've got good news, you don't have the flu, so your friend doesn't have to worry. Miss
y/l/n, you're pregnant"


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