Part twenty-five/Finale

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Theodore and I have been home for about 4 weeks now! That makes him just over a month old. It's crazy how fast time has gone by with him.

Daniel's been helping out more than I could've asked for. He's still trying to balance the baby and his work with the album but he's trying his best and I couldn't ask for more.

When Daniel isn't around and I need help, Christian or Tyler are more than happy to help me and I appreciate them so much for it.

Anna comes over as much as she can to help me as well, I've gotten to know her and she's the biggest sweetheart you'll ever meet.

I just put Theo down for a nap and head downstairs for a late coffee.

As I'm setting up the coffee machine the boys walk in with arms full of white claws. Each boy had a case, except Zach. Poor underage boy.

Y/n- Gonna be a fun night?
I ask as they place the drinks on the kitchen counter

Corbyn- You know it! Gotta work on some beats and lyrics

Jack- Where's my favourite nephew?

Y/n- He's napping! And if one of you wakes him up, you're dead.

Zach- Damn, sounds like you're the one that needs the nap

I shoot Zach a death glare and Jonah smacks him in the arm

Jonah- If you need a nap, we can take the baby monitor in the studio with us, we can watch him while you sleep

Y/n- I really appreciate that, but I'm not trusting five drunk idiots to watch after a four week old
I laugh and so do they

Zach- I won't be drinking, I'm underage!

Jack- Do you really think people still believe you when you say that?

Zach- Well, not anymore..

Y/n- Daniels in the studio. Go have fun! I'll be in bed if you need me

I walk upstairs while the boys go into the studio. I decide to actually take a nap while Theo's asleep. As soon as I hit the pillow I fall asleep. It's been a busy few weeks.

I wake up to the light sound of Theo crying through the baby monitor. I check the clock and it's already 10 at night. A good 3 hours of sleep, I'll take it.

I get up out of bed and quickly make my way to the nursery. I don't want his cries to bother whatever the boys are doing.

I get him changed and feed him until he's full and make sure he gets his burps. Once I'm done I start rocking him to sleep.

As I'm rocking him, I start to hear yelling coming from downstairs.

??- You need to relax!
I think that's Christian

??- I'll never get it done! This is so fucking stupid! I'm fucked!
That's Daniel

Chris- You have a baby upstairs! You need to quiet down!

Daniel- Shut up Christian.
He's clearly drunk

Chris- Call me when you relax. I'm not dealing with this

Then I hear the front door slam.

I quietly walk down the stairs with Theo in my arms. I see Daniel pacing around in the kitchen. He looks mad. I've never seen him this mad.

He stops and slams his hands down on the counter. As I go to open my mouth to say something, he grabs the vase full of flowers beside him and throws it towards the wall I'm directly standing beside.

I quickly turn my back to face Daniel, to shield Theo from getting any glass near him.

As soon as the vase smashes, Theo starts screaming.

He's terrified and so am I.

Daniel's head looks in our direction, I don't think he knew we were there when he threw the vase.

Daniel- Y/n?

He instantly gets tears in his eyes, while tears start streaming down my face.

I can't look at him.

I can't be near him.

He almost hurt me when he said he never would. He almost hurt Theo! I can't be here.

I run up the stairs, straight to the nursery. I close and lock the door so Daniel can't get in. I grab the suitcase I used for my overnight bag and began throwing all of Theo's stuff in it.

I put Theo in his car seat and begin opening the door.

No Daniel.

I start walking down the stairs with Theo and his stuff. Daniels sitting at the kitchen table with his head in his hands. I can hear him crying.

As much as I want to comfort him and tell him it's okay, I can't. It should be the other way around. He almost hurt me, he almost hurt our son.

I make it to the bottom of the stairs without him noticing I'm here. As I start walking to the kitchen, I step on a piece of glass and it breaks under my shoe. Daniel hears it, he bring his head up.

I see his heart shatter when he sees me with a suitcase.

Daniel- Please, please don't leave

I continue walking towards the door, tears start streaming down my face again.

I hate doing this to him, but I have to do it for Theo.

Daniel- Y/n, please don't do this

I hear his voice break as he tries to speak.

I place the car seat and suitcase next to the door and walk over to Daniel, who's now crying standing a few feet away from the door. I grab his hand and look down

Y/n- You lied

I hand him his ring back and I turn around. I walk and pick up Theo and my bag. I hear a thud behind me. I turn to look at Daniel, and he's on his knees, sobbing.

Daniel- Please..

I turn back around and head out the door. I place Theo safely in the car and put the bag in the trunk. I get in my car and start to drive.

I pull around the corner of his street and park the car. I burst into tears.

I don't know what I'm doing. I can't live without him.

I don't know where I'm going, but I have to go, for now.

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