Chapter 1

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September 1st, 1990

    Now the beginning of a new school year at Hogwarts Witchcraft and Wizardry, a man wearing an all black teaching robe arrives in the Great Hall and moves towards the head table, sitting next to a bearded man. The man in black nodded his head curtly toward the bearded man in acknowledgement, "Albus."

    "Ah! Severus, glad you could make it to the sorting ceremony"

Snape's POV

    I rolled my eyes and said sarcastically, "Wouldn't miss it for the world..." Albus turns towards another teacher wearing a pointed hat and a teaching robe.

    "Minerva, would you please go and lead in the first years? I do believe they are anxious to begin"

    "Very well Albus." She stood from her seat and went out to greet the first years.

    "I'm sure this will be an exciting year for you Severus..."

    I raised an eyebrow, "Pray tell what will be so exciting this year. All of the students will be dunderheads like every year." Albus looked like he was going to say something but he stopped and shook his head. If you are going to say something just say it you old fool!  Minerva came in with the new first years and they all waited in the middle of the Great hall.

    Albus stood up and casted the sonorus charm and said, "Welcome to Hogwarts! I can tell all of you are as anxious this year. Now before we start talking about the new year, how about we begin with the sorting hat ceremony, shall we?" He waved his hand and a stool with a dirty brown looking hat was placed upon the stool. Ahh! Yes, the sorting hat. I stared at it unimpressed. "Professor Mcgonagall, will now say the name of every first year, when called please come up to the stool and let her place the hat on your head." Soon they began.

    I gave every student a glare, eyes showing malice towards every student until one name came, "SAMUEL BLACKTHORN!" My heart stopped, I frantically looked for the boy with the said name. Finally meeting a pair of silverish blue eyes, blue meeting obsidian, time stopped. The boy was tall, a bit on the lanky side, his hair short with a curled look to it, he also looked more mature compared to the other dunderheads I've seen, but those eyes looked so very familiar to me, like I had seen them before. My head started to pulse in vigorous pain. What the hell is going on... why does this boy look so familiar to me... why does his eyes look familiar to me?! I thought, I narrowed my eyes and furrowed my brows looking at the boy with curiosity. The young boy looked away first and sat on the stool crossing his legs.

Samuel's POV

    My eyes met that of the great known Potions Master of Hogwarts, Severus Snape. Hm. It appears what happened to him was true; he doesn't seem to remember me. Hmph. Damn you Dumbledore, damn you... As I thought that I looked away from the professor and briefly glared at Dumbledore before sitting on the stool. Professor Mcgonagall placed the hat on my head and the hat started to speak.

    "Hmmm. I see... a great man like your father, yet smart like both of your parents... hmmm... difficult, difficult...Both parents went to Slytherin... but what do you think Mr. Snape." I was getting annoyed but didn't show it. I looked into the crowd of first years and spotted a girl with emerald eyes.
    I smirked and whispered to the rundown looking hat, "I wish to be in Slytherin..."
    "SLYTHERIN!" I hop off the stool and walk towards the Slytherin table. I looked up toward the head table and the dour Potions Professor was still staring at me. I wonder- Before I could finish my train of thought another name was called.

"ROSETTA BLACKTHORN!" Once the name was called a girl with a full frame, normal height walked up to the stool, she looked at me and I simply rested my chin on the palm of my hand and smirked. I glanced briefly at the potions professor. The look on his face wanted to make me laugh.

Snape's POV

    Shocked once again. I looked at the girl, a wave of familiarity hit, I could feel that I knew her. Where have I heard that name before? Blackthorn... Blackthorn... Damn it! Surely Albus must know. Why do I feel I know who these children are... I thought as I looked at the young girl as she looked at the boy, then to me, that is when black met green. Her eyes looked nothing like Lily's yet it still shook me to my very core, the gaze they held made me very protective of the child. I felt a wave of nausea hit me, my head was spinning but I couldn't afford to look away, I tried to scowl at the innocent eyes looking into mine, but it wasn't possible. What is going on here!? I thought.

Rosetta's POV

    When my name was called I walked up to the stool. I then looked at my dear brother Sam, he smirked back at me in return. Hmph. Of course. Slytherin. After all our planning to be placed in the same house! Well not his planning but more like mine. Of course he knew I wouldn't make it into Slytherin. What exactly is he planning? I looked away from him and toward the head table meeting a black pair of eyes. My heart stopped. We just stared at one another. I wanted to run to him and hug him but a voice in my head was telling me to control my emotions. What my relation to the man is just the past, memories, or is it possible for that to change? I broke away from my train of thought and quickly sat on the stool and straightened my back. The dirty looking hat was placed on my head and started to speak.

    "Oh! Well well, another Snape" I scowled.

    "I would much appreciate it if you didn't say that last name, or atleast keep quiet about the damn name."

    "I see, I see, feisty like your mother, yet you look exactly like your father, you have the smarts of both of your parents but there is a thirst for more knowledge in your soul... hmmm... very, VERY tricky.... I say.... RAVENCLAW!"

DAMN IT! I glare at Sam. You knew this was going to happen didn't you!? He shrugged with aloofness. I got up from the stool and went to the Ravenclaw table. I sat in the corner alone and looked towards the head table and looked at my new Potions Professor. He looked to be in pain, confused, and very conflicted.

Snape's POV

   What is going on here?! This feeling is worse than being tortured with the damn cruciatus curse, my head feels like it will combust! I looked toward Albus, he was looking back at me with amusement. "I'm glad you think my pain is amusing..." I rolled my eyes. I look at the boy and girl. Maybe this year will be an interesting year to come... at least, before Lily's son shows up...

Third POV

    Outside of Hogwarts at the entrance of the Forbidden Forest stood a black-cloaked figure "Be safe..." The cloaked figure turned towards the forest and walked toward the darkness, vanishing without a sound...

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