VI. Border to a New World

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"Ugh! My brain hurts!" Estelle exclaimed.

"Well, it's a good thing we finished our exams. Now we have the whole summer to kick back and relax."

"Maybe for you, Claire, but I have to work all summer. I need to start saving up for college. Assuming I'll get into one."

"Don't talk like that," Claire chastised. "You'll get in."

Estelle rolled her eyes. "Easy for you to say."

"Yeah, it is easy for me to say because you're smarter than you give yourself credit for, Estelle!"

"Sheesh, why so angry? It's not like you were being insulted."

"I just don't like you putting yourself down, alright," Claire confessed.

Estelle softened a bit. She appreciated her friend's attempts to raise her esteem, but she didn't take compliments easily. She was also never one to be offended easily. And she forgave people sometimes too quickly for her own good. That didn't mean she couldn't stand up for herself. She had a rebellious streak if her file had anything to say about her. But she always adorned a smile, the same smile she saw in the photos of her mother. Estelle had a nice laugh too and naturally assumed she got that from her father. Truth was, she didn't know what she got from who. It was pure conjecture. Sometimes that hurt the most. Knowing she inherited something from them but not knowing anything about the inheritance.

"I know. Thanks. What do you say we head to the park? We've got nothing else to do."

"Sure, ok," Claire easily agreed.

As the two walked to Central Park, Claire sensed someone following them. She told Estelle about it, but since they were in plain daylight and saw no one around, they figured they'd be fine. (Note to readers: don't just assume you'll be fine.)

When they got to the park, who did they see but Claire's gym teacher, Gleason Hedge. They tried to hide behind a tree, but Coach Hedge saw them.

"Hey there, cupcakes. Why are you two hiding behind Lyla?"

Claire and Estelle stepped into the clearing.

"Who's Lyla?" they both chorused.

"Never mind. Just answer the question."

"We were just..." Claire started.

"Admiring it!" Estelle finished.

Coach seemed to be pondering this but he didn't get a chance to respond because a high-pitched sinister laugh came off from their right. At the same time, a man in his late twenties jumped out of the shadows, wicked black blade in hand.

"Coach! How could you let two Mormolyces sneak up on you?!"

"Sorry, kid. My senses aren't as good as they used to be. That's why I called you in."

"I'm 28 years old. I'm not a kid."

"Whatever, cupcake. How do we kill a Mormo?"

"The old fashioned way, I presume. Slash them until they turn to dust."

"I'll watch over the girls, you handle these vampiric monsters."

Without further discussion, Nico di Angelo sprung into action. He dodged when the Mormo lunged at him, fangs bared. The Mormolyce, or Mormo, were creatures that prey on children, but Nico wasn't having any of that. The second monster reached out to grab him, but Nico sliced her arm off and the monster turned to dust. The first Mormo backed away hesitantly but wasn't backing down.

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