37. Mine

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Late February 1978

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Late February 1978

"So it's true then?"

"What do you mean?"

"That Sirius Black and Kelpie Jones are a thing now?"

"About time, I say. I saw it coming years ago."

"I still can't believe it. They've been at each other's throats for 6 years!"

"But think of all the stress they save us. Now we don't have to worry about them disturbing us or accidentally maiming us."

"Oh, well about that.."


"I wouldn't be too sure.."

"What do you mean?"

The Ravenclaw looked past his friend in the corridor and his friend turned to follow his gaze. He frowned.

In the courtyard outside late February that year, sat a group of students consisting of Kelsey, Lily, Marlene, Potter, and Remus. Kelsey was reading an issue of The Wolverine that Remus kept eyeing nervously, while Lily was reading her notes. Marlene and Potter were enthusiastically arguing about the better Quidditch team next to them.

Kelsey should have been reading up her NEWT notes like Lily next but she was currently enjoying eavesdropping on Marlene rip Potter a new one. It was funnier yet since it was happening in front of Lily, as Potter tried to uphold his honour, while his girlfriend uninterestedly kept to her studies.

"You know what - we need a third person to decide this!" said Potter.

"Guess you're in luck, Potter. I think I see your boyfriend right there," Marlene replied which drew Kelsey's attention as well. She saw Sirius stalking over to them, looking determined. Instead of greeting her like the rest, he sat down on the stone structure and pulled her onto his lap.

"A kiss?" Sirius puckered his lips.

As much as Kelsey's heart fluttered, she knew better. They were currently in the middle of their 'Who's will break first' war.

"If only," she sighed dramatically, her attention going back to the cover of The Wolverine issue which Sirius noticed.

"Really?" Sirius scoffed. "What's this bloke got anyway?" He scanned the cover page, noting a burly looking bloke in a blue and yellow outfit. "I mean Wolverine? In case you haven't noticed, I'm a bit on the shaggy side too," he stated. "Plus if it's wolves you want to know about.."

"Nice try, Black, still not falling for it." She patted him on the head like a puppy earning a few snickers to which Sirius pulled her closer as Marlene and Potter got back into it.

"Better give in when I'm playing nice, Jones," he murmured softly in her ear, his gaze on their friends.

She turned her head so that their faces were inches apart. "Not in a million years, Black," she smiled back. Sirius saw the goosebumps on the back of her neck and knew that it affected her just as much, but he wasn't one to relent either.

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