20. Don't Blame Me

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Week 1, November 1977

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Week 1, November 1977

The following Thursday which happened to be November 3rd, James Potter managed to drag Remus Lupin away during lunch. It was Sirius' birthday and he didn't want to risk having him hear the information he was about to share. Especially not when James had managed to muster up the sense to talk to someone about this predicament without losing his mind.

They were sitting in one of the corridors, on the window, a few corridors away from the Great Hall.

"Satan walks this Earth," James declared grimly.

"You really do have a flair for the dramatics don't you, Prongs? Padfoot must be rubbing off on you," Remus said. Although he knew that it was too late. That ship had sailed a long time ago.

"And her name is Kelpie Jones," James continued. He had their map open in front of them and was currently busy glaring at Jones' small blip on it. Remus saw his stare falter and looked down too.

On the map, they could see Jones and Astrid in the Great Hall. Sirius' dot too was in the hall. However, James was focused on hers. And only because they were paying close attention, they were able to see Jones' getting closer to Black's before he suddenly walked past her at a worryingly fast pace and exited the hall.

"Curious," murmured Remus. With a sigh, James gave him a tired look. "I'm not going to like what you're about to tell me, am I?" he asked warily.

Shaking his head, James recounted the whole episode from the Quidditch party a few days ago, explaining how Jones had found out about the cloak, had tricked him into lending it - although not yet, and finally the whole Sirius fiasco, which only garnered more pity for her.

James was worried about two things- firstly, Jones finding out about Moony and secondly, Sirius realising that she was determined to follow him. Remus' solution had been to just tell Sirius but James was quick to shoot it down, "No! We can't tell him. She'll know."

"Why did you agree to share it with her anyway?"

"She wanted to find out where he's going and why he gets excited about full moons."

"You mean.."

"Yes. You," Prongs sounded frustrated.

"You don't think she suspects, do you?" Remus paled at the thought.

"Doubt it. She's probably in it to catch Padfoot doing something. That idiot was way too obvious about full moons and now it's got her wondering."

"What do we do?" Remus realised that this couldn't have happened at a worse time. Just when he and Astrid were finally back to normal.

The only other person who knew was Lily, and Remus thanked his stars every day that she was subtle in her approach to it when talking to him. The same could not be said for Jones. She was as subtle as Sirius hiding his repulsion for Snape.

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