Track 11: Perfect Harmony

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A/N Thought I'd post this early today! We get to see a little bit of protective Daisy in this one, also it's sorta sad there in the middle. Hope you enjoy!

"We're sorry," Reggie sings as Julie walks into the garage.
"So sorry," Alex sings, popping up from behind Luke.
"We're super-duper, crazy, stupid," Luke continues.
"Sorry," they all finish. Luke kneeling on one knee in front of Julie.

"In case you missed it, we're really sorry," Reggie says. Daisy laughs quietly from her spot on the couch. That was way more amusing than she thought it would be.

"Yeah, I... I got that part," Julie says, unamused.

"We've been here for, like, three hours," Alex admits as he and Reggie high five.

"We almost sang to your little brother," Luke tells the young teen.

"Oh yeah, that was great," Daisy chimes in. Reggie turns briefly to smile at her.

"He comes in here a lot. Mainly to use the bathroom," Reggie reveals.

"Yeah. It's not our favorite part of the day," Alex says.

"But, Julie, it wasn't ok that we flaked on you last night. We know we let you down," Luke begins.

"Yeah, and none of us wanted to disappoint you," Alex says softly. "You're the best things that's happened to us since we became ghosts."

"Hey!" Daisy protests.

"Besides Daisy, of course," Reggie smiles at the girl.

"So, in hopes that you'll rejoin the band," Luke says. "We booked a new gig."

"A mega important, life-changing gig," Reggie chimes.

"Ok, ok. Check it out," Luke says after he hands Julie a flier. "Tons of managers go here to listen to new bands. All we gotta do is blow them all away, and we're living the dream." Daisy moves to stand with the group. As she looks over the flier, she recognizes the name of the cafe.

"So this means a lot to you, huh?" Julie asks. "Kind of how playing in front of my whole entire school meant a lot to me."

"Sounds like sarcasm," Reggie says and then gasps. "I'm starting to think our plan isn't working." Alex and Daisy look towards him before turning back to Julie.

"Look we know we messed up," Alex tries to reason.

"But we need you in the band," Luke says.

"Of course you do," Julie says. Her voice is full of aggression, and Daisy can tell this won't be nice. "Because without me, no one can see you guys playing. You know, I thought that the music that we were writing was special, but you're too obsessed with your past to care."

"I do care," Luke practically shouts. "Our band has a real chance at greatness. I'm not gonna let that get away from us again."

"Uh-huh. Right," Julie says. "So then why did you bail on me and Daisy to get back at Trevor? I'll tell you why. 'Cause there's only one thing you care about, and that's yourself." Julie turns and leaves. Leaving Luke standing there with those sad puppy dog eyes, and the rest watching in either concern or anger. Immediately after uke poofs away, Daisy poofs to find Julie.

"Look Julie," Daisy says. She's practically seething, but she keeps calm. "I don't care what the boys did, or how upset you are with Luke. You don't get to talk to him like that. You have no idea what he's gone through, or even what he's currently going through. There is no one in this world who is more selfless than my brother, and if you can't see that, then you don't deserve him. Don't make assumptions on something you have no idea about."

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