Bonus Track:

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A/N Here are a couple short little flashbacks! Enjoy!

June 2017

Finally, the day had come. Riot was getting ready for their first-ever release party. They had spent the last year writing and recording an album, making sure all fifteen songs represented them as best they could. They had slow songs, fast upbeat songs, and they had loved every second of the process.

"Where's my jumpsuit!" Lara called from the closet. She had been searching for the pale gold jumpsuit for almost thirty minutes.

"Right here," Andi Parker, the band's manager, says coming into the room.

"Ah, thank you, Andi! You're a lifesaver," Lara says as she walks back into the room. They had been staying at a hotel for the last few nights, and the room was ginormous.

"Don't I know it." Andi hands her a clothing bag and turns to Daisy. "This one's your dress."

"Great! Thanks, Andi." Daisy grabs the bag.

"Now, you have three hours to get ready," Andi reminds them. "I'll be back to get you at six."

The three bandmates all shout words of agreement from their various spots around the room. As they get ready they sing a few lines from their new song.

'7 years', 'Hall of Fame', 'Check yes, Juliet' and 'Broken Home' were their favorites.

"Hi everyone!" Daisy says into a mic as RIOT stands in front of the crowd. The room is filled with other artists and such. "We're so glad you could be here! This has been a dream of ours since we could remember, and we're happy to be able to share it with you all."

"We're going to perform our new single that was just released last week, is that all right?" The room erupts into cheers as Lara speaks into her own mic.

"Great!" Rane says. "This is 7 years, hope you like it!"

July 2017

There's a ringing filling Daisy's bedroom. She nearly tears her room apart while searching for her phone, which was on her desk by the way. Rane and Lara both watch in amusement.

"Hello?" She says into the phone.

"Daisy, Hey!" Their manager Andi says on the other end. "I have some great news! Are the others with you? What am I talking about, of course, they are! Put me on speaker." Daisy motions to her friends as she puts the phone on speaker.

"Hi, guys!" Andi greets them. "I just got off the phone with some really great news."

"Yeah?" Rane asks. "What is it?"

"It was the talent manager over at the Orpheum! They saw a video of you guys performing Hall of Fame, and they want to invite you to perform!" Andi practically shouts into the phone.

"Wait," Daisy says. "Really?"

"Really," Andi confirms. "Am I safe to assume it's a yes?"

"Yes!" All three of them shout into the phone at her. As soon as they get off the phone with Andi, they start screaming and jumping around.

"We did, you guys!" Lara shouts. "We actually did it!" Daisy starts to tear up as it hits her, that es, they did it.

"Oh my gosh. We're gonna get to do what they didn't," Daisy looks up at her friends. They give soft smiles in return. This is the moment they had been building towards, living our their brothers' dreams of performing at the Orpheum.

RIOT: Julie and the PhantomsWhere stories live. Discover now