I love you...Ron Weasley x reader

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A/n sorry I'm late on this I've been going through some stuff and have pushed it away but I'm here for more requests!
Hope you enjoy JulzLovDraco4Eva

I first met the troublesome trio in first year, since then we've grown closer than I would have ever imagined. Harry being like an older brother to me, Hermione being the sister I never had, and Ron. Over the years I've grown major feelings for the lad. Everything he does makes me get butterflies. I have other friends but I mostly hang out with them all the time. Ever since first year we've been saving or defeating someone. Since Harry and Hermione are my closest friends I decided to tell them about the crush I've harbored on the red haired boy.
I came from the Gryffindor common room and I started walking towards the great Hall where everyone was eating dinner. Knowing them Harry and Hermione will be eating small and Ron will be eating everything on the table, that's what I love about him. He's a foodie just like me. As I enter the great Hall I immediately spot Ron, Hermione and Harry. I walk over to them and sit down besides Hermione.
"Hey y/n" the three say

"Hi guys if you don't mind Ron, may I steal Harry and Hermione for a second?"

Harry and Hermione give me questioning looks and Ron just shrugs and eats another sausage. Harry, Hermione and I get up and walk to the outside of the hall once we get there I make sure no one is listening

"I need to tell you guys something important, I can't hold it in forever and I need to get this off my chest."

"It's alright y/n, you can tell us" Hermione speak's

"Yeah you're basically our little sister, you can tell us anythin" Harry said

My face goes red and I have flashbacks of memories with Ron and my face gets flustered.

"I know what this is about." Hermione says
"She fancies Ron!" She giggles

Harry's mouth goes agap and he looks dumbfounded and quickly mumbles a "I knew it"

I look at the floor and nod my head

"I don't want to tell him because I don't want to ruin our good friendship, I don't want that to end. I'll hide my feelings if that means he is still my best friend."

They pull me into a hug and tell me it's going to be alright, and that it will all work out eventually.

~Time skip~

Now it was time to search for the Horcuxes. They found the necklace and shared turns with it. But Ron had it on for too long and started getting angry. He was outside with hermione when he walked in on Harry giving me a kiss on the cheek. That only fueled his anger, and he started lashing out. He dragged me outside hermione and Harry trailing behind.

"Ron Weasley you let go of me right now!"

"Why!? So you can go and snog Harry?

"WHAT, of course not!"




"what?" I whispered


By now y/n has stopped saying anything and begun crying. Harry stepped infront of y/n



Ron throws the necklace on the ground.

"Leave Ron, and don't come back until you're ready to apologize." Hermione states coldly. He scoffs and walks away. When he got out of sight y/n fell to the floor sobbing and curled up into a ball. Harry and Hermione got her into the tent into a bed but she didn't sleep the whole night she was too busy crying. She fell asleep around 7 am and woke up at 9:00 am when her and Hermione heard something. They slowly crept outside, y/n's face was red and puffy and she had a tear stained face. Y/n saw Ron but before she could even say anythin, Harry, Ron, Hermione and y/n were surrounded by death eaters. They tried to save one another but the ended up all getting captured and brought to Malfoy manner. While at the manor Harry, Ron and Hermione were thrown in the dungeons while y/n was being tortured by bellatrix to get answers out of her. Her screams become deafening and she started crying. Ron suddenly bursts in with the other two and saved y/n from anymore torture from bellatrix while Harry and Hermione distracted the others and they quickly apparated to the Weasley's safe house so y/n could rest. While lying on the couch Harry and Hermione left Ron in the room with you. After awhile of him looking nervous he told you what he felt....

~Ron's POV~

I walked away from the argument that got heated by myself. I didn't mean it to be really. It was that bloody necklace. I was far enough in the woods where they couldn't see me but as soon as I got out of their vision I heard the loud sobs of y/n, oh how it hurt my heart. I wanted to run back and take her in my arms and tell her how much I love her and how sorry I am. But I couldn't turn back now. She'll never forgive me. How could I be so stupid, and let myself yell at the love of my life....
~Time skip too when he came back~

I decided that I wasn't going to be a coward I started walking back and I could hear the twigs snapping underneath my feet, I just saved Harry and destroyed the necklace so now I was walking back with Harry. I got to the point where I saw the tent and I saw Hermione and y/n come out. At least I think that's y/n? She looks terrible but still gorgeous she's got dark bags and a red puffy tear stained face and she's wearing my hoodie with a big R stitched on the front. What have I done to her. I did this. I made my love sad. I promised I was going to protect her when I'm the one that broke her heart. I didn't have time to run up to her as we quickly got surrounded by death eaters. We were thrown into the dungeons. I looked around the only person who wasn't there was y/n.... oh no no no not her please not her. I heard her loud screams coming from above us and it shattered my heart but made me angry at the same time. I busted out of the cell and ran to her I pulled her from bellatrix and Harry and Hermione distracted them. We apparated to my mum and dads safe house. Hermione healed y/n up and her and Harry both left the room leaving me and y/n alone...

~Y/n pov~

Ron finished explaining what happened and how he felt.

"Please say something darling"


"Please, I love you y/n"

"I...love you too Ron"

He freezes and looks up, his cheeks go red and he intertwined their hand together. He leans in as does she and they kiss, not a rough and needing one, a gentle kiss filled with love.

"I've been in love with you since I met you"

"I love you Ron so much"

A/n I hoped you like it! Have a blessed day my Harry Potter people , I luv you♥️✨🥺☺️ 1295 Words.
Until the next one
~Mischief Managed~

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