Pomona Sprout x reader

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My name is Y/N Y/L/N I am a Y/H. I get bullied by Malfoy and his goons a lot. It doesn't help the fact that I myself am fat. My parents are abusive, always yelling at me and hitting me, telling me they didn't want me, they wanted a skinny daughter. They are embarrassed by me, I don't blame them, I'm disgusting, I mean who could actually love a fat girl? Nobody, I don't get asked to hogsmeade, I have few friends but I think I'm going to lose them soon as I am sad all the time. I feel bad as I always bring down the mood. Over the years of bullying I have grown depressed. It was the same as always skipping breakfast, lunch and dinner and going into the kitchens after dark to get something to stop my hunger. I hang out with the elfs who cook. They are so sweet, always wanting to give me more to eat. I'm good in my classes as I have nothing to distract me. I know I should be grateful, I'm a young witch and I go to the famous Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The place is amazing, I am particularly interested in Herbology. Plants always fascinate me, I've been studying them for quite some time, I want to be a Botanist or at least the next Hogwarts Herbology Professor. My favorite professor is Sprout. She's a lot like me, maybe that's why I like her so much. Well I don't know, I always thought I would find my love here in Hogwarts, but no one would love a fat girl. I check my timetable and realize it's time to go to Herbology, I walk down the steps and get tripped by an invisible rope, I look round and see peeves. Great even the ghosts hate fattys. I always talk negatively about myself. Keeps me in check. If it wasn't for herbology, plants, and books im sure I would be dead now. I mean no one else wants me alive so what's the holdup? I get up off the cold stone floor and continue my walk. I make it outside without being tripped and walk to the greenhouse where herbology is being held today. I walk in and all eyes turn to me. I fidget a little bit and sit down in my seat hating the stares I'm receiving from other kids. Today we started learning about gillyweed. I tune out professor sprouts words and look at my arms.


I trace the scars with my fingers wishing I was gone, I put my head down and close my eyes. I get shaken awake by professor sprout. She gives me a knowing look and walks to her desk at the back. I hesitantly follow and sit in the chair in front. She starts fiddling with a plant and I play with my finger waiting for her to say something. Anything, then after a while she talks. "Why'd you do that to your arm sweetie?" Professor sprout has always been a mother figure to me ever since she found out about my real parents. I look down with tears welling up in my eyes. "I-I" I stutter not knowing what to say. She nods like she understands and gets up. She takes my hand and leads me to a bench. We sit down and she takes my hands. By now I'm crying tears streaming down my fat swollen face. She gets up and gets a bottle filled with green stuff. She opens my hand and gives me the bottle. "Put those on your arms and wherever else you have scars, and they will fade them away little by little, if you ever run out do not be afraid to come down here and get some more." she says, I slowly nod while still looking down. She sighs and that makes me feel worse, whenever someone sighs around me it's them either getting annoyed or angry. "I know what you're going through, I know you skip meals so people don't see you eating and call you names. I see how you hide your arms and always look at your thighs. I know a lot of things, darling. I know you think of yourself as a fat girl. I know you don't like yourself, I know that you wish sometimes you weren't here." She says. I look up still crying as she continues. "I understand what it is you're going through. Because I went through the exact same thing." My eyes widen and I sniffle and whisper "what?.." "Yes yes it's true, I've been in the exact same position you're in right now, hating myself, not eating correctly, and cutting. I'm not going to tell you there jealous, or there only joking, because they're not. They never will be. That's just kids these days. I had them when I was here. So many bullies. From everyone. Not one house didn't make fun of me. I hated it. I had no friends and no lover. I still don't to this day, but that hasn't stopped me from being the happiest ever has it? I'm sorry for what you're going through. But you shouldn't listen to those kids. What they say is definitely going to hurt you yes of course, but if you show them it doesn't bother you, and you stand up for yourself they'll eventually stop and find an easier target. You're not like anyone else, you are unique and one day someone will love you for it, I will always love you for it. You are like a daughter to me, and I couldn't ask for anything better. You can continue crying, but we are going to go up to Hogwarts and to my office I have a projector in there and lots and lots of junk food, what's the point in being chubby if you're always eating healthy?" I stopped crying and got up as she did and gave her a big hug. Holding her tight as if she might disappear if I let go. She takes my hand and we go to her office as it's the end of the day for us both. We arrive at her office and she sits me on her couch and goes into a bag room and comes out with her arms full of candy, crisps, and a bunch of other foods. I rushed over to help her out and we put it all out on the coffee table. I cry once more and thank her a million times, and apologising for bothering her "Nonsense" she would say, she sat on the couch with me once more and put on some muggle movies. We sat there, ate, laughed, cried at the sad parts of the movies, and enjoyed being there. By the end of it they probably gained like 5 pounds each. But neither of them cared. They were just happy to have someone.
Thank you justabatbat for requesting this! It was amazing to right and related to me in so many ways (made me cry) thank you again, I know that's all I basically say but I promise I'm a regular simp just obsessed with Harry Potter and how hot they are, heh lol so thank you. I love it when you guys request.
1236 Words.

Until the next one
~Mischief Managed~

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