ゾルディック家 パート二 | Zoldyck Family Part 2

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After a few days of waiting, Gon, Kurapika, and Leorio finally arrive.

"(Y/N)!" Gon shouts, running up to the girl and engulfing her in a hug. She hugs him back, giving the other two a closed eyed smile.

"Who's this?" Leorio asks, noticing the girl.

"Please leave now. You're trespassing on private property. I can't allow you to pass without permission," she says once more.

"But we called ahead, and we came through the Testing Gate!" Gon reasons.

"The butler's quarters did not give you permission to enter."

"What the heck do we need to do to get permission?! I even told them I was Killua's friend and everything!" Gon shouts back.

"Who knows? No one has ever received permission."

"Then I guess we're gonna have to trespass!" Gon irks.

"I suppose so. In any case, this is where I draw the line," the girl drew a line with her staff. "Take one step past it and I will remove you by force if necessary."

Kurapika and Leorio get ready for a fight, but Gon holds his hand out, stopping them. He walks forward, and as soon as he passes the line he's whacked in the face by the girl's staff.

"Damn it!" Leorio curses, pulling out his knife as Kurapika pulls out his own weapons. (Y/N) makes her nails sharper, a sign that she's angry at the girl for hitting Gon.

"Leorio! Kurapika! (Y/N)! Stay where you are. I'll handle this. Look, we didn't come here to fight anyone. We just want to see Killua."

"Your motives don't matter. I have my orders, and it is my duty to follow them."

Gon stands up, walking forward again. Once more, when he crosses the line the girl hits him back with her staff.

"Try all you like. I'll never let you pass," she says as she hits Gon back twice more.

"I will pass," Gon speaks as he stands up shakily. "I'm gonna see Killua!"

Hours later, Gon is still getting hit by the girl's staff. He stands up with a bruised and bloody face, walking towards the girl once more. A bead of sweat rolls down her face as Gon gets closer.

"Stop right there. Please go away!!" But Gon keeps walking. "Why won't you just give up?! You know it's pointless! Please stop him, you're his friends! Why...?" The girl trails off, looking at the three's faces.

"What's the big deal? I just came here to see my friend. The only reason I'm here is to see Killua! So why are you making me go through all of this?!" Gon shouts, punching a nearby pillar. Gon stops, realizing he's passed the line. "Hey. I crossed the line. Shouldn't you hit me? I can tell you're different from Mike. You may be trying to cover up your feelings, but you still have a heart. When I mentioned Killua's name, your eyes softened, just for a moment."

The girl sniffs, a tear falling from her eyes. "Please...Help him. Help master--" All of a sudden, the girl is shot in the head, everyone's eyes widening.

"Honestly...what was that servant babbling about? She made it sound like we were being mean to Killua," a woman speaks. (Y/N)'s eyes narrow on the woman as the four friends rush up to the girl. "How rude. She's just a bloody apprentice. And you must be Gon and (Y/N). Illumi told me all about you. Killua is aware that you've been on the premises for some time now. I have a message from Killua that he asked me to relay to you. "Thank you for coming. I'm happy that you did, but I can't see you right now. I'm sorry.""

"Is she okay?" Gon asks as Leorio checks her vitals.

"She's fine. She's just lost consciousness," Leorio reassures.

Gon stands up, looking to the mysterious woman and boy.

"I'm sorry, how rude of me. I am Killua's mother, you see, and this is Kalluto," Killua's mother introduces.

"Why can't Killua come to see us? Where is he?" Gon questions.

"In solitary confinement. Before he ran away from home, Killua stabbed his brother, and me."

"Yes that's what he told us," says Kurapika.

"And then, because he had regretted what he had done, our Killua returned to us, and entered solitary confinement, voluntarily. In any case, we don't know when he will choose to leave." Suddenly, she gasps. "What?! What is happening?! What are you doing father?! Please, don't do anything hasty!! He's only just returned!" She screeches. "Oh why must father be this way?!" She sighs. "I'm afraid that something has come up. Farewell." And with that she rushes off.

"Wait, hold on!" Gon calls. Killua's mother stops, turning around. "It's just that, we'll be staying in town for a little while. Please let Killua know."

"Yes, very well. I'll be sure to tell him. Good day."

"Who are all of you? Tell me," speaks Kalluto.

"We're all friends with Killua," Gon answers.

"You're his friends?" He repeats.

"Kalluto what are you doing?! Come along this instant!" Killua's mom orders.

"Coming! Sorry mother."

"it goes without saying, but these people really creep me out," Leorio says once Kalluto is out of sight. "And I bet they were lying about Killua not wanting to see us." (Y/N) nods, humming in agreement. "Gon, we can't go back there just yet. Maybe we should tail those two."

"Yeah, but if we go follow them, I'm worried that it would mean a whole lot of trouble for her later on," Gon replies, looking to the girl.

"Yeah, good point."

"I will...take you to the butler's quarters..." the girl strains to speak. "There's a phone that connects directly to the mansion. If master Zeno answers it, he might..."

"Who's master Zeno?" Gon wonders.

"He's master Killua's grandfather."

After that, the five set off towards the butlers quarters.


not me uploading this during class 😫🤚 (also sorry it's short)

Longing Through The Silence [Hunter x Hunter x KNY! Reader]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang