天空闘技場パート三 | Heavens Arena Part 3

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After a while of waiting with Hisoka (who, luckily for (Y/N), didn't speak to her) Gon and Killua finally return. (Y/N) stands up at the sight of them, running and engulfing the two boys in a hug as Hisoka activates his nen. (Y/N) lets go of them, walking hand in hand with the two through Hisoka's nen. The three of them make it past, Hisoka smirking at the sight.

"Welcome to the 200th floor," he greets. "Seems I needn't bother with the traditional initiation. I think I can guess why you've come to Heavens Arena. You intended to get some training in before challenging me, correct?"

"That's right," Gon answers. "But I didn't expect I was gonna find you here. That saves me some trouble."

Hisoka chuckles. "I wouldn't get too brash just because you learned to use ten." Hisoka held his fingers up, creating nen in between them. "There is much to learn about nen. To be honest, I feel absolutely no urge to fight you right now." He stands up. "However, if you manage to win a single match on this floor, I'll accept your challenge." He smiles creepily before finally walking away.

"Let's go," says Killua. (Y/N) and Gon nod, walking along with Killua.

The three finally make it to the reception desk, where the receptionist hands them papers. "Welcome to the 200th floor! Please go ahead and fill out all the forms. So would you like to register for a match right now?" She asks as she hands the three the papers. The three look to each other, unsure. "And because this level incorporates a self-service system, you're permitted 90 whole days of fight preparation. During those 90 days, you can call me for a fight any time you desire. You're free to fight every day, of course. Or if you prefer, you can wait until the very last minute. It's up to you! Once you've participated in a fight, your 90 days of preparation time starts over again. However, if you don't fight before the end of the 90 days, you'll be disqualified and your name will be stricken from all of the official records."

"Wait, lemme get this straight. We're gonna have more than one fight on this level?" Gon inquires.

"Yes. The only way for you to clear this floor is to rack up ten victories! However, if you lose four times before you secure ten wins, you'll be disqualified. Also, if you do win ten times, your reward is that you'll have a chance to challenge the floor masters! The floor masters are the 21 strongest fighters Heavens Arena has to offer. Each one gets one whole floor to themselves from 230 all the way to 250. Are you starting to understand now? If you're able to beat a floor master, you win the honor and privilege of becoming the new master of that floor!" The three remained neutral at that. "Uh...but wait, there's more! The floor masters enjoy other perks! Not the least of which is you'll be eligible to participate in the Battle Olympia, the biennial festival of combat! Isn't that so exciting?!" Once again the three seemed unfazed.

"Sure, whatever you say lady," Killua shrugs. "Is there anything special about the top floor?"

"That's what you want to know?! The champion of the Battle Olympia gets to live on the top floor! How about that?! It's an incredible honor! A penthouse that's a thousand meters up! It's a life of luxury! Don't you get it?!"

"Yeah, but Killua, your house is like 3700 meters up, isn't it?" Gon asks innocently, leaving the receptionist to sulk.

"But--but wait! There are other prizes. The champion always receives-"

"Well? Whaddya think? I dunno. If that's the floor's big secret, I don't care anymore," Killua says nonchalantly.

"Yeah! I just wanna fight with Hisoka! Forget all that other stuff," Gon agrees, (Y/N) nodding in agreement.

"I don't get it! Why did the three of you even bother to come here?" The receptionist cried.

"Well, I guess that means you're just gonna have to win a fight. But you're gonna wait a little while first, aren't you?" Killua asks Gon.

Gon clenches his fists, bringing them up. "No way...I'm ready! These opponents are different, and I'm not leaving 'til I find out just how different!"

The receptions slams a paper down in front of him, sounding rather annoyed. "In that case, I'll need you to fill out this form as well."


As Gon fills out the form, Killua and (Y/N) turn around at the sound of a sudden noise.

"You want something?" Killua inquires.

"Oh no, not really," a man in a wheelchair replies.

"We're simply waiting in line so we can register for a match, right?" A man without an arm says.

The last man cackles, the man with the missing arm chuckling as well.

"Oh I get it now," Killua starts. "Hey Gon. I think these guys wanna fight on the same day you do."

Gon turns around, checking off something on the form before passing it back to the receptionist. "I'm ready. Just let me know when I fight."

"Well you heard him," Killua speaks, turning to the three men.

"That boy is brimming with energy, huh?" The man without an arm says lowly, the other two men chuckling.

"Now, Mr. Gon will be in room 2207, Mr. Killua in 2223, and miss (Y/N) in room 2256. We'll let you know which day your match is set," the receptionist hands the three keys.

"Thanks a lot miss!" Gon thanks as the three friends walk off.

"I'm willing to bet that those guys must have gone through the same tough initiation four eyes was talking about," Killua begins as the three make it to Gon's room. "If we'd gone in blind, we both could've ended up exactly like they did."

"Wow! This room is huge!" Gon gushes, running around the room.

"Hey, aren't you listening?!" Killua shouts.

"Look at how sparkly the bathroom is! Oh wow, I've never seen such a big bed in my whole life!" Gon exclaims, running up to the window. "Look guys!"

They hear a jingling sound, turning around.

"Hey Gon!" Killua calls, walking up to the tv. The two follow, reading the message. 

'Your battle has been set for 3 pm, March 11!'

"What? Tomorrow?! That's fast," Killua comments. (Y/N) nods, turning to Gon who has closed his eyes and activated his ten.

"I don't think I can win yet, but that's okay! I just need the experience. I need to find out what I can do now that I have this power."


"We've got a thrilling match for you today, everyone! First up is Gon, who managed to zip straight to this floor in no time at all! His opponent will be Gido who currently holds a respectable record of four wins and one loss!"

The two walk up to the ring, stretching.

"And...begin!" The referee calls, swiping his hand down.

Immediately, Gon activates his ten while Gido cackles, holding his hand out. A spinning top appears, multiple more appearing on his cane.

"There they are! Gido's dancing tops! He uses an arsenal of dangerous spinning tops to attack his opponent and crush them into submission!"

"Here we go! Battle waltz!!" Gido calls, sending his spinning tops flying towards Gon. They spin around him before one hits him in the back. Gon rolls forward, recovering quickly.

"Clean hit!" The referee announces.

"Gon gives up a hit! One point to Gido! He's sure not wasting any time! Gon's off to a rough start!"

"I can use nen to keep these tops attacking you for hours. The attack pattern is so incredibly complex that no one knows what they'll do next! Not even me!" Gido exclaims.

(Y/N) clenches her fists, hoping for the best.


next chapter will be the updated profile, so thank you to everyone who gave me suggestions!

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