Chapter 13

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Rose's POV:

The older woman said that her name was Amelia and she was Luna of the Steelfur Pack. Her daughter, the other girl in the room, 's name was Addison but she told me to call her Addie. I felt much calmer in their presence. They seemed nice and unthreatening, but never judge a book by its cover. So I kept my guard up until I knew I could trust them. After they introduced themselves they asked me my name, but I was still a little weary so I kept silent. Amelia nodded her head in understanding. The two women walked about the kitchen cooking and talking as if it was completely normal for a "rouge " to be sitting in their kitchen just watching them go about. Also, it was a bit strange for the pack Luna to be cooking in the kitchen. Usually that was the job of the Omega's.

And I'm pulled out of my thoughts when a warm bowl of hot soup was sat in front of me. Amelia and Addie then sat down with me with their own bowls and continued to talk. Amelia looked up at me and gave me a soft smile before digging into her food. The soup in front of me was in a large bowl and steaming from the heat. I remember from my old pack that I grew up at I was not allowed full, hot meals. If I was allowed any that is. Usually it was just scraps from everyone else's meals. And sometimes there would be none at all. But then when I moved to Dark Night I was able to eat, but still only small portions and I was never permitted to eat with anyone. I would hear the rest of the pack downstairs talking and laughing while eating their meals together. As for me? Well it was alpha Colten's orders that I eat in my room alone and not be nuisance to anyone. Including him. My own mate thought I was a nuisance.

"Oh darling! Are you alright? Was it too hot?" Amelia said looking at me concerned.

I brought my hand up and touched my cheek, that's when I realized I had tears streaming down my face. I was crying. It had been a long time since someone has done a kind thing for me.

"What's going on?" Asked a voice from the doorway. I looked over to see the man from earlier. When we made eye contact he realized I was crying and he showed a pained look in his eyes. He walked over slowly as if trying not to scare me away. When he finally stood a few inches away from me he gently cupped my face in his hands. This time I did not flinch away. I don't know why. When his hands touch my skin I felt the sparks I thought I'd only ever feel with Colten. He had me look up into his dark brown eyes.

"What the matter lovely?" He asked so soft. His voice  portrayed so much love and care. I didn't understand.

I leaned my head into his touch and he wiped my tears away with his thumbs. He coked his head to the side and smiled.

"There she is. There's my beautiful girl." He whispered to me in a soothing way. Ila purred at his words.

They have been so kind to me so far, so even if I don't trust them completely I think it should be alright to talk at least a little.

"Of course. Mate is wonderful and kind!" Ila told me.

"Rose." I said quietly, looking up into his eyes.

"What?" He asked, seemingly confused.

"My name. It's Rose." I repeated.

His confusion shifted into pure happiness.

"Rose." He repeated back to me as if that word was his world. Like it's all that matter to him.

"It's very nice to meet you Rose. I'm Ryder, soon to be alpha of the Stealfur Pack." He told me, puffing his chest out proud off his title.

I took me a moment to place it but then I remembered I had heard of this pack. It was full of very powerful worriers. Lots of people say that their name really fits because their wolfs fur was like steal. They rarely lost a fight. Not that they got I'm many. Most packs knew better then to pick a fight with Stealfur.

I was a little frightened now that I knew where I was. No one really knew much about this pack other than that they were really strong. Just thinking about it gave me chills. But I can't think about that right now. Right now I have to focus on the gorgeous Greek god in front of me.

To be continued....


Hey guys, sorry this was all I could get done.

I couldn't remember if I already named Ryders pack or not but if I did then...
oh well🤷🏻‍♀️ it's Stealfur pack now😂😅

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