Chapter 10

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Ahhhhhh over 100 reads! Thank you guys all for reading and voting! It means a lot. I thought that in thanks for all the support I would write a longer chapter for y'all, so here it is! Hope you enjoy it!😋😇💜

Rose's POV:

I was scared out of my mind. Especially due to my new fear of men. Every man in my life has hurt me, what makes these any different?

The tall man in the middle, is still yelling at me to shift. Why can't he understand that I don't want to. I do not want to be naked in front of a bunch of males I don't know.

Then out of no where,

"BACK OFF!" Yelled a voice making me flinch.

I felt tears begin to prick my eyes, knowing that I was in for a world of pain unless they just put me out of my misery right here and now. I heard foot steps coming my way slowly. Once all the yelling stoped I finally was able the smell it. The strong sent of rosewood filled my nostrils.

"Mate!" Yelled Ila.

"What?!" I thought, shooting my head up to meet these big, soft, kind, brown eyes. The little bit of broken heart I had left melted. After a moment of us just gazing into each other's eyes I realized what I was doing. I snapped my head back whimpering apologetically. Power radiated off this man showing he was their alpha.

"It's ok little mate. No one will hurt you." Said the man in such a soft tone. He was a large man with a six pack and big arms. Probably even bigger than Colten's. Thinking of him just made me remember that I can't trust anyone.

" I have a covering here for you to wear. Would it be alright if you shifted so we could talk?" He asked gently, pulling out a large brown robe and carefully draping it over me. For some reason this mans presents seemed comforting.

I will not be tricked again, but I needed to tell them that I am no threat so that they let me go. Ila whined at the thought of leaving her mate. But I just reminded her that we already had a mate, and he didn't want us.
As I began to shift all the pain of my bruises and, probably broken ankle from running, came washing over me. Mid shift I began seeing spots. When I finally was back to my human form I blacked out. I couldn't really tell what was happening but all I knew is that I was in someones arms and there was a lot of yelling. Who ever was holding me sent sparks wherever they touched me. It was nice.

~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~

When I gained consciousness I realized I was on a bed. It felt and smelled amazing, so I snuggled me face more into the pillow. Then all the events that happened last night rushed back to me. I jumped up off the bed, quickly regretting my decision. The room felt like it was spinning so I leaned on bed for support.

Suddenly, I hear a gasp from the other side of the room. There was a girl standing there looking shocked. She was about my age and was carrying a bowl of water and a rag. I looked at her in confusion. I didn't know who she was, or where I was, or why they didn't just kill me back in the woods, but I guess I'll find out because after just a moment she turns around and yelled,


~~~~~~Back in the woods~~~~~

Ryder's POV:

(Whoa! Two POVs in one chapter?! That's nuts! Sorry. Anyway, Moving on)😜

"Alpha." Said Miles, looking confused.

I ignored him and slowly approached my mate. She was cowering away in wolf form refusing to look up, but then I could tell she could smell my sent. She snapped her head up and our eyes met. She had the biggest, most beautiful doe eyes I had ever seen.

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