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Give me a chance---LAY

I don't know what was going on but I snapped not like anger snapped but my cunning and mischievous side forcefully came to the surface making me accept it no matter how hard I wanted to ignore it

I'm sure it was caused by that plan I was thinking of I'm not sure if I want to go through it after all these day's I spent with moon-jo and the rest of the gang

But I've been feeling ...an urge I don't know what it was but the plan that I came up with seems to satisfy it for the time being so why not try it out I just have to put in stage

I've got the first step in progress all I need is to slowly lure the plan into place which shouldn't be a problem for me atleast

Since jae-ho died I haven't been job venturing which is something I need to start doing if I want this plan to atleast be successful

Luckily I heard the convince store was job hunting which I applied for instantly turns out they didn't need much convincing to hire me and as a surprise turns out si-woo also applied

Me and him have the same shift meaning one worked behind the counter while the other stocked up on supplies

Si-woo said he preferred to stock up so I took the job behind the counter which I had no problem with moon-jo didn't really want me working telling me that he was well off to take care of me

I felt grateful for his word's but I declined I didn't want to owe him anything since it'll make me more hesitate to lay out the plan

Si-woo knew of this plan and was a bit surprised when he knew about it I trusted him enough to tell him so why not invite him to join along with me

Si-woo looked suspicious of me at first but joined either way of course I didn't blame him I would've been suspicious if the tables we turned especially with that type of plan

Luckily it seemed si-woo had something against moon-jo something strong enough to accept my offer either way I was happy enough to have him as minion

Not that I saw him as that but he was only a minion in the plan nothing more nothing less

I stared into space when I heard the bell ring my attention went to the door "welcome" I said it was almost a second language I was starting to get used to this

I looked back down at the cash register just in my thoughts "well that seemed sincere enough" I heard a sarcastic voice say

I looked back up to see moon-jo my mood lifted "what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at work?" I excitedly asked

Si-woo hearing my excited voice came to see what was happening he smirked upon seeing the softened features of moon-jo "well, well, well what a surprise to see you here"

Moon-jo looked over at si-woo with a suspicious face I knew moon-jo was observing si-woo he knew something was happening I silently cursed si-woo in my head

This bastard is going to get us caught it'll be hell if we do "what do you know?" Si-woo seemed to know the depth of the question because he just turned right back around to where he came from

I looked over at moon-jo with a confused face hoping he hadn't caught on that I was involved with whatever he was suspicious with

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