X. A

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I'm the one--BLOO

I sighed taking a sip from my tea I woke up with a horrible headache and moon-jo was over concerned making me accidentally snap at him and now he's ignoring me

I understand I hurt his feelings but does he really have to ignore me he doesn't even let me enter his room he's like a sad gloomy puppy that I had set off by accident I truly didn't mean to snap at him

I looked down at my phone seeing the time I had to go to work I put my dish in the sink I still wonder where ji-eun is she still hasn't responded should I really go to the police I mean she's been missing for three day's

It's only right I guess I'll stop by maybe boss knows something I enter the police station being greeted by three police officers the girl came up to me smiling "hello sir is there anything we can do?" I have no idea why I was nervous but I shrugged it off

"Uhm yeah my girlfriend has been missing for three day's" the police officer looked at me in confusion "then why didn't you report earlier?" I bit my lip understanding I sounded suspicious "well I just thought maybe she was staying over at a friends house but she hasn't returned any of my messages"

I paused taking in air before starting again "the weird thing is she left her phone at her house so I assumed she'll realize and come home or something but she hasn't and I'm worried" when I'm nervous I start rambling but I could also feel the panic rise

"It's okay calm down we'll see what we can do" I smiled appreciation clear in my face I looked down at her name tag "thank you er.. jung-hwa" she smiled bowing I left shortly after now that I've dealt with that I wonder if they'll find anything

Maybe ji-eun really did just stay over at her friends house and is just staying there to clear her mind well whatever she is doing I hope she's safe and sound I don't know what I would do if she was hurt in any way

I made into it work spotting jae-ho I walked over to him "have you heard anything new from ji-eun?" I watched as he flinched a bit I must've startled him I held in a snicker "ji-eun? Isn't she your girlfriend? Don't tell me you failed to be her boyfriend or something" Jae-ho laughed his face was having strong tension with my fist

Only if I could I just want to knock some teeth out of him maybe even make it into a bracelet I internally chuckled wouldn't that be amusing "so you haven't?" I asked skeptical if he didn't then I'm just wasting my time with him I walked away ignoring his word's

"I know someone by the name of ji-eun but she's a bit irrelevant" I sat down looking over at si-woos smiling face "is that so" I huffed already feeling like wanting to go home si-woo makes it a little more bearable

"Mhm, so...whats ji-eun to you?" I glanced at si-woo my attention going back to my work "girlfriend" I simply said not wanting to be distracted from my work I was trying to go home and just relax maybe finally go to the roof after not going for so long

"You have a girlfriend?" A surprised si-woo said I winced at his reaction was It really that surprising that I had a girlfriend "yeah, why?" My fingers typed away occasionally hearing the loud breathing of byeong-min

Si-woo shrugged tapping a pencil on his desk in a rhythm I subconsciously tapped my foot with the beat careful not to make noise and with that the work place was finally quiet

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