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I wake up and feel my hand being held again, this time he's mumbling something.

"Oh, hey... You're awake," he smiles softly and kisses my knuckles, "Do you wanna read now or wait?"

I smile, "Read now please," He chuckles and nods.

Later that night after everyone had gone to their rooms he left his bedroom and snuck out to the lake to meet her.

When he got there he didn't see anyone until he heard a loud splash of water behind him and a yell.

This caused him to jump and yell as well, "I got you!" She said making her way over to him.

He looked displeased and pouted, "It's not funny," He said as she laughed.

She nodded her head, "Oh yes it is,"

They laid under the stars until she got bored and asked if he wanted to swim with her, he thought it over before shrugging.

They both stripped off their clothes and were left in their undergarments.

He blushed slightly and handed her his T-shirt, "Here..." He mumbles slightly as she grabs the shirt.

She slides it over her frame and jumps in the water.

Months go by and they meet up like this almost every night until fall hits, during training sessions they would train with each other.

Going for walks during the day, and jumping in piles of leaves. Well, she would jump in leaves and he would watch.

They argued all the time over stupid things but always came back to each other.

After a year, he asked her to be his girlfriend. She said no, and left him heartbroken.

"You have to prove you love me first," She said with a smile on her face.

He looked at her dumbfounded and asked, "Well... How do I do that?"

She shrugged and skipped off to her room.

He thought for days, weeks, until he finally came up with a plan.

They were roughhousing one night by the lake and he had pinned her, looking into her eyes he couldn't help but lean down and place his lips on hers.

She returned the kiss and he got off of her after a minute or so.

He helped her up and she smiles softly before he pointed to something out on the lake.

There were lanterns floating on the water and banner on the dock that said "I love you," she jumped into his arms and from that day forward she was his.

They still argued like crazy, rarely ever agreeing on anything but they shared something in common.

They both loved each other immensely.

They would walk through town and she would point out cute little trinkets people were selling and his eyes never left her face.

"You're beautiful," he told her once.

She stopped in her tracks, "Levi..." She said looking away sheepishly.

"I'm serious," He told her with a stoic face as he grabbed her hand to keep them moving.


"No buts, let's get home so you can shower. you're sticky," She giggled.

All he could think of was her laugh, her smile, the way her eyes sparkled, how her hair flew in the wind.

These thoughts never left his mind.

Years pass and they graduate cadet training and they both place in the top 10 of their class.

Both choosing to go into the scouts. Levi has his own squad and she's apart of it.

As well as quite a few other people from their graduation class.

"Alright, it's time for dinner Mrs Ackerman,"

The doctor sets a tray in front of me, "But it was getting good!"

Levi chuckles, "We can pick back up later," I frown slightly but nod and he leaves to go get dinner

Word count: 624

Whooo another chapter done! If you haven't already check out my Bokuto x reader!

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