Not So Departed

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"Are you sure about this Nya?" Lloyd asks said person hesitantly. "Yes he loves the day of the departed he needs a reason to go out. He can also put a mask on and just have fun without getting all those pity looks he hates," Nya tries to persuade her brother's boyfriend.

Lloyd was more unsure about the idea. Kai's been getting better bit by bit, but Lloyd's unsure about going out now. The others were talking about it right now with him. "I agree with Nya. While we should approach the idea with caution the up coming holiday is the perfect chance for Kai to begin coming out of his shell at a more acceptable rate. While I don't want to rush things we need him on the team and we cannot know when the next villain arrives," Zane cut in.

"Zane is right we need to be ready for the future when it arrives for even the smallest breath can have the largest impact on a future," Sensei Wu said. "And he seems to be in a grieving process for his parents that he never really allowed himself to have when the incident took place," Sensei Wu continues being careful of his words in front of Nya who was also sore on the subject of her parents. "The Day Of The Departed would be a good way for him to try and find some peace with it as is the spirit of the holiday," Misako adds on trying to convince her son. "But there is going to be a eclipse on the day of the departed and they are often bad omens," Sensei Garmadon cut in. "Or good ones," Sensei Wu counters.

"I don't know a crowded area like that could cause him to break down if someone brushes the wrong area," Jay said shivering at the memories. "I agree with Jay," Cole said. "But I'll be with him and he is getting better," Nya said thinking positive.

Lloyd leans his head back and sighs. "It's really his decision he's too stubborn to listen to us no matter our reasons," Lloyd concludes looking in the direction of Kai's room. "Then let's ask him," Nya said getting up to go to Kai's room.

She knocked on the door and waited for Kai to open it which he did. "Hi Kai so I was wondering if you felt up to going out for Day Of The Departed tomorrow," Nya said with a cheery attitude while everyone else listened around the corner. Kai stared thinking for a moment.

"Does it have to be at the festival?" Kai asks quietly remembering the festival that happens every year and remembered Cole mentioning his dad Lou was going to be preforming.

"No you don't need too. We stop by the museum for a bit to get lanterns, we go together to the old shop, then we meet up with the others," Nya explains softly to him with a bit of pep. "Will the museum be crowded?" Kai asks. "Maybe, but we can go in our ninja gear with our hoods on then people will think we are just dressing up," Nya smiles. Kai thinks it over and said. "Sure I love some free candy," he agrees and Nya beams like most of the others while the rest just hope nothing goes wrong.

Later that night

Kai was so far alright as he bought a lantern for the day of the departed. The ninja had been spending the holiday until they had to separate for their family time together.

Kai was actually beginning to act like his old self a lot more and the others smiled wide at that. Kai really did need today to forget his troubles. "Hello Ninja," A voice came over the museum entrance way and everyone turned from their chatting to see Doctor Sanders coming over with a kind smile on his overly long grey moustache and large smile. "Hello Doctor Sanders it is a pleasure to see you again," Zane said ever polite. "I am so glad to see you all here. I was hoping I would catch you would stopping by for lanterns tonight. I wanted your opinions to a new exhibit I am opening up today," Doctor Sanders said smiling warmly. "Of course we would be happy too, but it needs to be quick we are on a schedule," Sensei Garmadon said mindful of the time.

Dr. Sanders happily took them to a different room full of familiar statues."Welcome to the museum new exhibit the hall of villainy!" He said a little over dramatic gesturing to the large hall behind him. "I installed a few fun tricks to scare the kiddies in some of the old villains. I do not usually like technology, but whatever gets the visitors," Dr, Sanders said cheery. The ninja were amazed at how life like the statues were though Sensei Garmadon was unhappy with the one of the evil him a time he would prefer forgetting all about.

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