15- i know the bad boys secret

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"We're you not in jail"

"Something called, running away. Well more like they let me go but let's not get into that"

"And how old are you" I asked him because he looked older

A lot

"25" he said

"Jonahs 20 and I'm 18"

"Where's his Jonah kid?"

"Here" he said Walking in through the door

"You forgot your jacket"

"Hey what's up man" he said to Jonah and they shook hands

"So what now"

"We create some...havoc" he said and I looked at his face that was full of mischief

"What kind of havoc"

"Listen darlin right about now we're like the avatar, air bending and stuff but instead of that we have things like reading minds, fire power, and mind control"

"Now how about we try and find the others"

"Others?" I said to him

"You do know that we're not the only three here and after the little stunt I pulled the government are gonna be finding us" he said and showed me his phone


"What virus"

"They're testing people to see if they find traces of mercury, which is what we were born with and it mutates our genes giving us these powers" he said

"Uh so how do we find our "people" I asked him

"Meet me here at 9pm" he said and jumped out my window

"I don't know if I should be scared of happy"

"I'm weirded out by him I thought there were only three people that had it"

"I guess not" I said and I jumped onto my bed

"Go back home" I said to him

"I'll meet you out front" he said and left

I wonder what's gonna happen now

My life's already a drama show


After my parents had gone to bed I snuck out and got onto jonahs bike and the address Damien gave us lead to an average sized cabin the woods

It looked pretty nice but creepy

"What the heck"

"Let's go" I said and the door was open and Damien was sitting in the middle with a cup of tea and reading a book

"Just on time you guys" he said and put his book down and sat us down

"So you say there's more people like us"

"I believe around 100 all over the world"

"But you said it was only 3, the stupid story you told me"

"It's true, 3 were leaked in the US but mainly the rest were in the Middle East and shipped off  to the UK" he said

"So what we're gonna start a little army"

"Not exactly"

"What do you mean"

"We're gonna rebel against some not very nice politicians"

"What the fuck what is this suicide squad and we're gonna go beat people up and I'm the crazy girl with two pony tails and a bat, want me to call you pudin too?" I said and he laughed

"Not yet"

This is gonna be..very long

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