7~ i know the bad boys secret

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"And what am I doing here?" I asked

"Oh my sister brought you here after you passed out"

"I passed out?"

"Yeah you did after you had an argument with some guy"

After he had mentioned that, flashbacks from last night hard started to come through and I sighed

Fucking Harvey

"And who changed me"

"You did, you started taking your clothes off after you got too hot in the car, it was so hard to make you keep your clothes on because every five seconds something else came off"

"Oh um I'm sorry" I said and he laughed

"Wasn't complaining" he said winking at me and walking out of the room

"Awkward" I said getting up and looking at myself in the mirror and brushing my teeth after finding a brush under the sink and washing my face

I patted it dry and headed downstairs where I saw the guys and Lila

"Hey guys" I said and Tyler threw a pillow at me

"I hate you" he said

"Uh for what exactly"

"Making me lie to your parents about where you were and then tackling your ass down to keep your clothes on, you were meant to be passed out and tired not drunk and idiotic"

"Not just fault geez" I said and he rolled his eyes

"What if I make you all breakfast?"

"Yeah I'm down" Tyler said walking to the kitchen and taking out bacon and sausages

"Give me half an hour" I said tying my hair up and putting sausages in the oven, fried bacon and made a ton of scrambled eggs as well as avocado on toast with salt and pepper and some chick peas on top

"I forgive you" Tyler said sitting down and eating up and I shook my head

"Yeah im not that hungry so ima quickly go shower cause I feel sticky" I said

"Towels are under the sink. GET SOME CLOTHES FROM MY ROOM" Lila yelled and I walked into her room and grabbed some clothes from her wardrobe and went into the shower

After I was done I headed back downstairs to find the guys all gone and lilas brother

"Where's everyone"

"Gone to get some drinks"

"I'm Brandon by the way" he said and I shook his hand and sat down next to him

"Anyway I gotta go too, I got college" he said

"Byee" I said and he smiled

"I'll see you later on" he said and just as he left Samantha walked in

"You want to tell me where my boyfriend is, since he left with YOU last night" she yelled

Who in the what now

Sorry it's taken me a few days to update guys

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