At Fault

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Tubbos POV

I need to tell Tommy about the Festival. I need to now! I have a bad feeling about it. I hope my letter got to Tommy. I think running around in Tommy's old house looking for supplies. My eyes catch on the Jukebox. So many memories tied to a stupid music player. I shake my head, grab the box and run to the door. I go to run my fingers through my hair when they hit something hard. My horns. Tommy can't know about those. I can't have him knowing about what Schlatt expects of me. I can't have him worrying about me. He has enough to deal with in the first place. I spin around knowing Wilburs old beanies are still here. I snatch up a grey one and run out the door. I take the most hidden route I can think of to lead me outside of the SMP and Manberg. I have no clue what direction I need to go. Eret mentioned north. I think. But what about Quackity. He said the other day when he was talking to Schlatt he knew where the chords were. I wasn't allowed in the room where they were said, But I do remember 367. So if both him and Eret are right they must be that way. And using the limited knowledge I have I headed off. The forest was thick and It was getting dark but I had to get to Tommy.

"Wilbur?" I called when I got to the half of the chords. "Tommy?" I walked along the chord line for at least a half hour calling their names when I heard a crossbow load. I spun around quick enough to see a pig, a crown atop his head in a long, elegant, royal, red robe. He was aiming a crossbow at my head. "Techno?"

"What are you doing here, Tubbo?" Technoblade said, not putting down the crossbow.

"Don't shoot! I need to speak to Tommy," I say covering my face with my hands

"Sorry, Tubbo. I can't let you do that." I hear an arrow whizz by my shoulder, grazing it ever so slightly.

"What the hell Techno!" I hear a voice say.

"He's Manberg ain't he?" Techno defends.

"Wilbur?" I mumble. I look up to see Wilbur walking over to me. A tear streaks down my cheek as I hug and hold tightly onto Wilbur.

"How are you, Tubbo?" Wilbur asks softly. I dodge the question with my own, not wanting to answer truthfully.

"Hows Tommy?"

"Honest answer?" Wilbur says unsurely. I look up at him and nod, finally releasing myself from him. "He's heartbroken. He has been since we left you with Schlatt."

Something in my head clicked when I remembered what I really came here for.

"Wilbur. I have news. That's the reason I came. Schlatt is-"

"What's all the racket out here! I'm trying to-" Tommy walked out from behind a dirt wall not far from where we stand now. He looked different. His new uniform was darker and blended in more. His blond hair was a little matted but all in all, he was the same Tommy. "Tubbo?" I ran over to him and hugged him, harder than I did Wilbur but this time, with no intent on letting go. Bee walked out behind him, she smiled when she saw me. She looked a little roughed up too, her long brown hair a little tangled and her face covered in dirt.

"Tommy, I'm so sorry! I didn't want to stay with Schlatt he-"

"No Tubbo. It was my fault. That bastard-" Tommy made a sharp breath. "Its my fault."

"It's neither of your faults. It's Schlatt." Wilbur said from behind us. He pauses to let us have our moment. "Tubbo, you were about to say something?" I nod and let go of Tommy.
"Schlatt is planning on having a festival in the name of your banishment. He wants to rub it in. Quackity knows your chords by the way. That's how I found you, which means he's right. I have a really bad feeling about this festival. Schlatt wants you all to rebel and start a war." I pause, catching my breath, "He said it's happening October 16th, 1pm."

Wilbur sighs. "What do we have for supplies at the moment, Techno?"

"Not enough to win a war, that's for sure," Techno says.

"Though we have you know who, in the shadows," Tommy adds.

"Hold on everyone, we don't know that this will end in battle, it might just be a festival," Bee says raising her hands.

"We'll talk about this later." Wilbur says and turns back to me. He smiles but he tilts his head.

"Is that my beanie?" A quick wash of panic washes over me and I remember what the beanie was covering.

"Yeah. I found it and thought I would wear it." I say quickly. Tommy scrunches up his face.

"Since when have you liked hats, Tubbo?"

"Uh, since always?" The words came out confused.

"Tubbo? Did Schlatt hurt you?" Tommy says, his voice getting angry.

"No! I- uh." I say back.

"Tommy calm down." Wilbur says. "Tubbo. Can you take off the beanie?"

"No." I snap. I instantly regret snapping at him but I had to. But right then I feel the hat leave my head. My arms instantly covered my hair and the horns but it was too late.

"Horns?" Techno mumbles to himself. I turn to run away but Tommy catches my arm, the beanie still in his hand.

"Stop, Tubbo!" I relax in his grasp. Tears start to fall.

"Why did you have to do that Tommy! Why couldn't you leave it alone!" I yell at him. I didn't want him to know. I didn't want him to think I was with Schlatt.

"I'm sorry. Just please. Don't go."

I look at Wilbur who lightly nods. I unwind my arm from Tommy and stand there. After a few moments of awkward silence I remember something in my bag. I pull out the jukebox and hand it to Tommy.
"I thought you would want it."

Tommy smiles slightly down at the box. "Thanks."

"Tubbo can I talk to you for a moment?" Bee says. I nod and follow her down a winding path to an opening in the trees that shows Manberg. It felt like only yesterday the walls were standing tall and me and Tommy would play happily inside them.

"Tubbo I wanted to ask about the- um."

"The horns?" I finish for her.

"Yeah. Did Schlatt-"

"No. They just appeared there. Then he told me I was- I was to take his spot when he isn't president anymore."

"Are you going back?"

"I have to don't I? I need to be the one on the inside."

"You don't have to, Tubbo. If you don't want to be."

"I need to do this, Bee. For you, for Will and for Tommy."
Bee smiles softly. We walk back over to the group, Tommy still holding the Beanie hands it back to Me and I nod my thanks, still feeling embarrassed.

"Thanks. I should go before Schlatt notices I'm gone."

"Be safe, Tubbo." Tommy calls down to me.

"You too! Keep Tommy out of trouble!" I call back to everyone. Tommy shakes his head, and rolls his eyes.

"You know that's not going to happen," Wilbur laughs.

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