It Was Never Meant To Be

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I stare at the words, drawn onto the walls in dark markings. The anthem of my past. The song I wrote to symbolize what I had created. It's time. Time to end it all. I place my hand over the wooden button on the wall, knowing all too well that there is a line of redstone behind it, leading to the quick and loud destruction of my past. I've waited too long for this moment, come so close too many times. No one will stop me from relief this time.

"The thing that I built this nation for doesn't exist any more! It's over," I yell to myself in the tiny room. I bring my hand back, placing it directly on top of the cold wood. I'm ready to surrender.

"What are you doing?" a soft voice calls from behind me. But not the voice I expected. Memories flash in front of my eyes as I remember that voice. The same voice that used to hum during the day while making dinner, or read quietly when I was heading to bed.

"Philza?" I mumble, turning around, never once letting my hand leave the button.

"Wilbur," Phil nods. His long blonde hair sticking out of his green striped hat. His emerald green eyes have faded a little by age, along with his face, which has started to crease in some places. But he still looked like my father, the man I loved growing up and looked up to. What did he think of me now? What happened to our family over the years? Why did we all have to go our separate ways. It was at this moment I realized how much I would miss them. Everyone. Tubbo, Techno, Tommy, Philza, Fundy and Bee. I was leaving everyone. Tommy's hero will destroy the one thing he wanted. I'm sorry I let you down. And Bee, she'll be in good hands. Dream will protect her. I wish I could've been the one to do that. Be by her side, and keep her from danger. I wish things were different. But it was too late. My mind was made.

"Phil, there was a saying, by a traitor named Eret. Perhaps you've heard of him."

"I have." Philza says, his voice deep and strong.

"It was never meant to be."

I slammed my hand into the button, feeling the small click of the TNT being lit and a weight, a heavy weight, disappear from my shoulders.

Then, without warning the ground started to shake and the wall in front of us blasted open, revealing Manburg. Screaming was the only thing you could hear over the explosion. Several distinct voices were louder than others. Tommy, screaming as the explosion destroys his home. I could hear the pain in his voice. After all we did, all we fought for, just for it to be destroyed. Dust and smoke filled the air, and the view clouded. Then after a few moments the explosions stopped, and then came the silence. The smoke started to clear, pushed away by the winds, revealing a crater. There was nothing left. Just an empty hole. In the distance, on the opposite side of the crater people stood, looking at me standing in front of my masterpiece. I scanned the group of people for my family, did they make it?

Tubbo was in the front, looking at me in shock, a deep red gash in his left shoulder spilling blood over his shirt. Tommy, next to him, pain plain on his face. Behind Tommy, Bee stood, looking at me, with an expression I would never have expected. It's not an expression of pain, or anger, or sadness. But loss. But not for L'manburg, her eyes were directed at me. She knew what was to happen. She understood what I wanted. My mouth moved to form words for her, unknowing if she could read my lips from here. The rest of the group stood behind them, Techno moving to another piece of land with Dream who looked at the crater like it had always been there.

"L'manburg my unfinished symphony, forever unfinished!" I yell out over the hole. I raise my arms into the air in victory and turn around quickly to Philza whos looking at me, a dark sadness in his eyes. I place my hands on his arms and shake him, not caring how hard. "Do it, Phil. Kill me."

Phils hand folds around his sword, I smile knowing that everythings falling into place. I was finally going to be free.

"But- But you're my son!" Phil protests. I grab Phils hand, drawing his own sword for him. I hold the blade on my chest.

"Do it." I wanted to feel it, I wanted to feel the cold metal take my last breath. I wanted to feel the pain I deserved. It would be a pleasant pain. A finality before I am gone forever.

And in one quick moment, I was on my knees. A cold pain in my chest, but a lightness in my head, making everything fuzzy. It's time to say my goodbyes.

"I'm so sorry, son." Philza says from above me. His arms wrapping around me.

Thank you, Dad, for taking my final moments. I surrender. I give in. I'm done with this cruel world. I left my mark, now it's time to disappear. I feel a warmth start to spill from where the cold metal had collided with my skin.


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