Chapter Five and a Half

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Authors Note: I know everyone is waiting very patiently for the next part but I had this idea and I just had to write it. So here it is a piece of Kira's Childhood. Enjoy


 The light of the setting sun filled the kitchen through the open windows. A small girl around the age of five sat in one of the three kitchen chairs. Two phonebooks sat beneath her making her just tall enough for her arms to go on the table. A pile of crayons was spilled in front of her as one was clutched in her hand. She scribbled across the paper with vicious determination. A look of concentration in her brown eyes. Her bronze hair was styled in two pigtail braids.

A young woman stood in front of the stove cooking spaghetti for dinner. Her brown hair was pulled back out of her face. A small smile spreads across her face as she hears the sound of her daughter start singing to herself behind her. When dinner was almost done the woman walked over to the faded yellow cabinets and pulled out three plates. Setting them on the counter she turned around and took a few steps towards her daughter peering over her shoulder.

"What are you drawing Kira?" The woman questioned. The picture consisted of many rough scribbles in a semicoherent shape. All colors of the rainbow were used with a slight favor towards pinks. The girl looked away from her drawing and up towards her mother with a wide toothy grin.

"It's a unicorn Mommy! Do you like it?" Kira questioned holding it up closer to her mother's face so she could get a better look. The woman smiled widely and nodded. Laughing joyfully at her daughter's excitement she grabbed the picture from her daughter's hands and inspected it closely. The picture came together better now that she had been told what it was. There was an obvious body and horn and what she assumed was frass for the unicorn to run on.

"Baby I love it. Do you want to put it up on the fridge?" At the suggestion, the young girl let out a squeal and took the drawing from her mother. Hopping down from her spot at the table she ran over to the fridge that was already completely covered in other drawings. Pulling off one of the magnets she quickly places her drawing on the fridge on top of many others.

"Perfect," She said as she looked at her work hanging proudly on the fridge. Letting out another laugh the young woman walked over and crouched down next to her daughter.

"Yes, it is." She said taking in her daughter's placement of the drawing. "How about we clean up the table so that we can eat when Grandpa gets home?" Her question is left unanswered as Kira looks at her mother with a disappointed glance.

"Can I draw again tomorrow?" The girl questions pouting her lip slightly. The woman smiles and nods her head. At this, the girl smiles back at her mother.

"Okay." With this, the two started to clean the crayons off of the kitchen table putting them back into their box.

They almost had all of the crayons cleaned up as the front door opens.

"Hello." a rough voice calls out. In the time it took the front door to close and the person to take two steps into the house Kira had bolted out of the kitchen.

"Grandpa!!" She cheered. The woman shook her head at her daughter as she finishes putting the crayons and begins to set the plates on the table.

"Hey there girly!" The man exclaims almost as excitedly at Kira. The next moment the man walks into the kitchen carrying Kira in his arms.

"Hey, Dad." The woman smiles as she set the pot of spaghetti onto the table. "You're just in time." She grabbed the serving spoon and begins to put a small amount onto the plate in front of the chair with the phonebooks.

"Hey Bells, how was your day?" He questioned as he sat Kira down in her chair and walked over to the fridge. Bending down he grabbed a beer and cracked it open taking a drink.

"It was alright. I ruined a girl's life because I wouldn't give her an extension on a paper that she has had a month to work on, but other than that I can't complain." Bella rolled her eyes as she dished some spaghetti onto her plate. Charlie let out a chuckle at his daughter's story. She was joking again. She has been doing better the past couple of weeks and he couldn't help but hold onto hope. "How about you?" Bella questioned.

"Same as always. A few wild animal sighting near town but otherwise pretty peaceful." Charlie was stuffing his mouth before he even finished the sentence.

"What did you do today Kira?" Charlie asked his granddaughter. The girl looked up at him her face covered with spaghetti sauce.

"Well, this morning Mrs. Miller let me help read the book to the class! She says I am very good at reading. Then we played with playdough and I built the coolest tower ever. Billy Newton shoved some up his nose and he had to go to the nurse." The girl continued to ramble about every aspect of her day to her Grandfather who was very happy to hear it. "Then I came home and I drew a unicorn. It's over there on the fridge." She finished pointing towards her work now proudly hanging on the fridge.

After dinner, Charlie retired to the living room turning the TV onto whatever sport was playing at the moment. Kira climbed up into his lap and made herself comfortable becoming infatuated with what was on the TV. Bella cleaned up dinner and room came to the living room with a book in hand curling up onto the couch.

After about an hour Bella looked up towards her daughter who had not made a sound in a while. There she found Kira curled up in her father's lap sleeping soundly. Charlie sat in what had to be an uncomfortable position willingly to not disturb the little girl. A smile once again spread over Bella's face at the sight of her daughter. Life was so much better with that little girl in it.

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