Chapter Five

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"What are you doing here?" My teeth clenched tightly and my free hand balled into a fist. For eighteen years they never stepped foot into my life and now they want to show up every few days.

"Kira." Alice's voice rang through the nearly silent living room first. Turning to look at her the girl had a similar look on her face as when I had first met her. A look as if she was trying to hide her sadness but it still shined through.

"We just wanted to talk." A new voice said. My head jerked in the direction the words had come from. It was the man with the blonde hair.

"You're Carlisle, right?" Mom had described him almost perfectly every time she had talked about my father's family.

"You know about us?" He questioned. My eyes locked with his and I could see the concern in his eyes. I can't tell if it's concern about me, his son, or their secret. Ignoring his question I turned my head once again to stare at Edward. He was staring right back at me. My brown eyes met his. They were a deep purple, almost black and once our eyes were locked I could feel a pit in my stomach. The pain in his eyes was all-consuming and almost identical to mine. It was the type of pain you get when you lose the most important person in your life.

Our pain wasn't the only thing that was identical about us though. I could tell just by looking at him why everyone around town automatically knew he was my father. We have the same golden bronze hair, similar facial structures, we even carried ourselves the same. It was obvious we were father and daughter other than the fact that we looked almost the same age. If people saw us now they would assume we were twins.

Anger filled up the pit in my stomach and I closed my eyes, gritting my teeth more. He has no right to be in pain. He left.

"You all need to leave." I open my eyes once more and look at Carlisle. They all turned to look at each other and started to talk very fast. Fast enough that a human wouldn't be able to hear. I wasn't a normal human.

"I can hear you." I snarled. "Stop trying to have conversations without me and get out of my house. You're not wanted here." My words stopped them immediately and they all turned to stare at me.

"Kira Please, Bella would want-" Edward began to speak. I felt my body moving before I realized exactly what was happening. Anger took over my body and in a split second, I felt my hands connect with stone-cold skin. With one small shove, Edward was sent flying across the room through a stack of boxes and into the wall leaving a very obvious Edward shaped dent. I heard the sound of something breaking as the boxes got thrown out of the way. In the same moment that Edward went flying, I felt two sets of stone hands wrap around me haphazardly to hold me back as I went after Edward again.

"YOU DON'T GET TO TELL ME WHAT SHE WOULD WANT," I screeched at him. He remained on the floor staring at me with a look of utter shock on his face. "YOU SHOULDN'T EVEN GET TO SAY HER NAME. YOU BROKE HER. YOU RUINED HER." Everything in front of me was a blur as tears streamed down my face. The hands around me tightened as I attempted to fight their grip. I could feel my skin bruise as I attempted to rip my arms free.

"Kira, please." Alice's voice rang out calmly. I felt one of the hands holding me back loosened as someone attempted to rub my back in a calming motion. The motion was futile as the motion only made me angrier. That was something my mom would do when I was upset.

"NO! HE HAS NO RIGHT TO TELL ME ANYTHING." I looked at Alice before locking eyes with Edward once more "I DIDN'T GET TO SAY GOODBYE TO MY MOTHER BECAUSE OF THE CURSE HE GAVE ME." The house went eerily silent as the last sentence left my mouth. The hands holding me backdropped as I stopped struggling. Edward and I never broke eye contact as he continued to lay on the floor as if frozen in place.

Mystery ChildOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora