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Imma say 15 and older, but if you are younger and are reading this...

Don't tell your parents...

Or mine.


Liam's pov:

*Continued from the night where everyone hung out at Julie's house. (With Ashton, Jake, and Zander).*

I was nervous.



I was sweating.

Is it hot in here?

I look around at everyone else who was cuddled up in a blanket with their significant other.

Not going to lie, when Damien covered a shivering Amber with his blanket, it took everything in me not to scream...

Cry tears of joy...

Cover my heart like a proud parent...

Oh and let's not forget, record the moment for the Ambien journal..

It took a lot of self control...

Which I'm actually quite proud of, but if they don't get together soon I'll have no other option then to... kindly... lock them in a closet together until I hear some smoochen.

It's just tough love, she will thank me for it in the end.

Or she will stab me to my death...

But that's a risk that I will be willing to take.

I mean think about it, that would make one heck of a wedding speech.

Not that I... heh... already planned their wedding...


I should probably get rid of that page in the journal before Amber finds it.

Just to be safe.

While I'm at it, probably their future house designs too... I think the page with their 23 children with their full names should be fine though.

At least I hope so.

Shaking my head out of my thoughts, I wave my hand in front of my face in attempt to try and cool myself off.

It might just be me then who's hot.

And for that, I knew exactly what the reason was.

To the right side of me sat Zander, barely a fingers length away from where I was sitting.

I couldn't help but steal a few glances at him throughout the movie, taking in how attractive he really was up close.

Even if my side profile was half as hot as his, I would be happy.

His sharp jaw line could kill me if it wanted too...

And I would happily let it happen.

I still can't believe how nervous he made me earlier by just a single conversation.

Although I haven't been in many relationships before, I would be lying if I said that I didn't have a handful of crushes.

But none of them have made me feel this type of way before.

And that's scary.

By one conversation, I was left a stuttering a mess.

And the words he said to me...

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