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Amber's pov:

Walking out of my last class of the day, I find myself letting out a sigh of relief.

I couldn't wait any longer to barricade myself in my room and slip myself under the warm covers of my bed.

Homework? Not important. Sleeping until school the next day? Yes please.

If I could wake up and forget about this awful day and the emotional stress that it gave me, I will in fact be skipping to the bus stop tomorrow morning for the first time in forever.

Throwback to when I actually liked going to school...

*cough* disgusting *cough*

Now I can't even recall a time that I didn't sleep through at least five of my seven morning alarms.

It's a shame... really. I feel bad for what my future husband will have to put up with each morning. He better be a morning person.

Hearing someone calling my name from behind me, I look over my shoulder to see Liam making his way towards me.

I know it's only been about two hours since I last saw him, but gosh did I feel glad to see my best friend again.

"Liam." I say under my breath, pulling him into a hug when he gets close enough for me to reach.

We get a couple stares since we were still in the middle of the hallway, but just once, I want to be that person.

"Are you okay, you know, after all that went down?" He asks, pulling away from our hug after a couple of seconds have passed.

I look up at his worried eyes, giving him a small smile to let him know not to worry, "I'm okay, I just feel bad for Damien, Julie, and well all of them actually. They have such a strong friendship with one another and I hope that all of this won't change that."

I tell him truthfully because lately, I've been feeling like I've been hiding things from him. Which I know for some friendships it is completely normal, but for ours, not so much.

We've always told each other everything.

I mean, maybe a little bit too much on his part with his very... let's say descriptive fantasies...

About men of course.


But there has been a lot that has recently happened that I haven't told him about.

Like the almost kiss between Damien and I.

Actually, make that two almost kisses.

"Hey don't worry about that, they have been friends for a while now, and all friends fight." He says, placing his arm around my shoulder walking me to my locker.

"Speaking of friends fighting... I just wanted to apologize if it seemed like I was keeping the whole Damien's sister thing from you, it just didn't feel like my secret to share-..."

"You don't have to apologize, I wouldn't be mad at you for something like that. In fact, I completely agree with the reason for not telling me. Damien is free to tell whoever he wants about his sister, even if that person is a two-faced, snobby little peace of sh-..."

"Liam Matthew Davis I would appreciate it if you could watch your language on school grounds." Our history teacher walks by, eyeing him with a small glare.

"Sorry Ms.G, won't happen again." Liam says before muttering under his breath, "b*tch."

I wack the side of his stomach with my hand, causing a small groan to leave his mouth.

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