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 Your eyes fluttered open, and you had to remind yourself where you were when you couldn't hear the familiar voices of Tommy and Tubbo. You stood up and stretched, grimacing slightly. Glancing down, you noticed a gash across your stomach. And a few more accompanying it.

You ran a hand through your h/c hair. A slight chuckle fell from your lips when you realized how you must have looked to Dream and Eret.

The click of a lock and the creak of the door had your head turning to face the person who entered the room. Your tired eyes raked down and up his figure before shifting back to the ground.

"For you," Dream said, holding out a bowl with one hand and adjusting the white mask he wore with his other.

You took it silently, giving the male a slight nod.

He inspected the various injuries splayed across your s/c skin, then proceeded to exit the room quickly. You blew on the steaming soup that the bowl contained before taking a sip. To your surprise, it tasted decent.

The bowl was empty by the time Dream came back, lips pursed into a tight line and hands bearing a first aid kit that he went straight to opening.

"What are you doing?" you queried, sliding your chair back slightly.

"What does it look like?"


Your unbothered expression and tone did little to hide your tensed muscles and rapid heartbeat as Dream pulled out a bottle of rubbing alcohol and a cloth. You gave out a sharp inhale as the cloth made contact with your skin.

Dream gently rubbed the cloth on each cut, looking up at your expression every so often. When he came to the cut running across your stomach, he glanced at you. You nodded, allowing him to lift your shirt up slightly and tend to the wound.

You examined the cold mask upon Dream's face. "Why are you helping me?" you asked.

The man in question seemed uncertain for a few moments.

"This isn't what you signed up for, I guess. You joined up with Wilbur to make some potions, now you're here. S'pose I feel... bad, in a way."

"Didn't think you had it in you to feel pity," you muttered under your breath.

Dream raised his eyebrows, scoffing slightly. "Maybe I'm the villain here, but I'm not a monster, darling."

You cringed at the pet name and glared at Dream. Oh, if looks could kill.

"Ok, ok, jesus." He finished off the last cut, a particularly nasty one on your right cheekbone, and stepped back. His eyes lingered on your face for a moment, before giving a nearly undetectable shake of his head and standing up.

"Thank you," you said as Dream was about to leave. He turned to glance back at you, nodded, and left the room.


The next few days passed by in a similar fashion, your visitors varying every so often. You grew to not want to slit Dream's throat as much, which was a feat in itself. Sometimes, you would have short conversations with him and the other members of the Dream Team.

Before you knew it, one night remained until you knew the fate of yourself and your country. You found yourself chewing on your nails in anxiety, something you hadn't done for a while.

Regardless of the situation, you were excited. You would see your friends again for the first time. Tommy, Tubbo, the chaotic duo that you were so fond of. Fundy, that sly fox that you cherished. And Wilbur, Wilbur the president, Wilbur your best friend, Wilbur the person you loved.

Dream sat across from you, idly toying with the drawstrings of his green sweatshirt.

"What do you think is going to happen tomorrow?"

He looked at you. "It depends on your friends. Whether they choose to surrender or not."

"They won't."

He sighs. "Are you trying to convince me? Or yourself?"

You rolled your eyes, trying to hide the fact that you didn't know.

"I know you're worried." His tone softened, your expression didn't. "About everything."

"Don't pretend to be sympathetic. It doesn't look good on you."

He chose to ignore your words. "It's going to work out."

"How do you know that? How do you know?"

Dream seemed slightly taken aback by your outburst. "I'm-"

"No. You're so used to having everything handed to you on a goddamn silver platter, you're so used to things going your way. Face it, the real world isn't like that. I learned that lesson years ago. Do you know how it feels, Dream? To not even be a teenager, thrown out on the side of the road because your parents either died or left you? Of course you don't. You have everything you could possibly want."

You barely even noticed the tears that traced lines down your face, nor Dream's shocked expression at your words.

"Y/n, I'm- I'm sorry."

"Save it," you said bluntly, letting your gaze drop to the ground.

You heard a clatter and a pair of footsteps making their way to you.

"Dream, what are you-"

He reached out, grabbing your chin and guiding it so that you faced him.What the fuck?

Hold on.

That's not-

The cold, ivory mask you knew too well was replaced with a pair of deep, jade green eyes and pale skin dotted with freckles.

Your e/c eyes connected with Dream's own, holding a steady gaze. Your faces were inches, centimeters apart from each other as time seemed to stop.


Suddenly, he shook his head rapidly, breaking eye contact and picking his mask back up.

"I'm sorry- I shouldn't have- I couldn't-" he stuttered, his voice faltering.

"Dream, why?"

He ignored your questioning, his hands moving to tie a swift knot to secure the mask back onto his face. 

"We leave in the morning tomorrow," Dream monotoned. "Get some rest."


But he had already left.

Your head swirled with thoughts as you sunk back into your chair. You took a shaky breath.

What the hell just happened?


1003 words (not including a/n)

Header by @/justavona on Twitter


I'm going to go scream at an extremely high volume and pitch at whatever is making me procrastinate this much, be right back- while I do that, here's a chapter for y'all! Hope you enjoy, and I'm sorry again ;-;

Also because I forgot to add it when I first published this chapter - new cover!

-Partially Human

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