𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟹𝟽

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<Technoblade> right chat?

Your eyebrows furrowed as you saw a message from Techno on your comm. You typed a single character in response.

<y/u> ?
<Technoblade> right chat
<Technoblade> ok
<Technoblade> meet me at pogtopia entrance
<y/u> why?
<Technoblade> stabbing orphans

You started.

<Technoblade> jk getting all the generals for pre-war stuff
<y/u> cool uh be there in a sec

Once you arrived at the location, Techno waved slightly.

"We're waiting on uhhh, everyone else. So yeah," he stated awkwardly.

You chuckled, greeting everyone as they came in.

"Okay, everyone, stay together and just follow me," Techno called. "Alright, I have a secret base. So be quiet and follow me."

"I'm getting quite a bit of nostalgia right now," you mentioned. "Secret base, huh?"

"Sorry." Eret sweatdropped at your comment.

Techno rolled his eyes, proceeding to leave without you. You threw your arms up and followed, carefully treading through the forest Techno was guiding you in.

The group ended up at the edge of a deep lake. Techno breathed in, then dived inside. Everyone stood there in slight shock.

"What's taking you nerds so long?" Techno asked, popping back up. "It's under here, see."

He dug into the ground, revealing a trapdoor which he shoved open with a grunt. Niki was the first to follow him in, you going after her and into a stone room.

"Woah, when did you have this?" you questioned, looking around at the area.

It was quite cramped, several of the taller people having to dip their dead slightly, but held plenty of things. An enchantment setup. A few double chests. A skeleton with a pumpkin head.

"A while ago," Techno responded. "But wait. There's more." He took out a pickaxe, the purple glow on it signaling enchantments, and mined below him.

You followed him down and gasped.

"Now this. This is the vault."

Stacks upon stacks of chests were loaded into the huge room, walls and floors of hand-carved stone. Signs designating weapons, food, ender pearls, armor - five full sets of netherite in the back, potions of every effect imaginable...

"Oh my God!" Tommy yelled, going for a netherite set.

Tubbo's eyes widened, taking another. "What?!"

"Holy shit!" Wilbur's voice betrayed surprise as he opened a chest full of freshly sharpened arrows.

Your own eyes simply dragged across the room, taking in the room in all its glory. How long did he spend on this? How long could he have?

Techno laughed, throwing his arms out in glee. "I am ready for revolution, boys! Take what you need!"

His grin was infectious, spreading onto your own face as you looked at him.

"When did you have time to gather everything?" you exclaimed, running over to him and enveloping him in a hug. "You can't have done this in that short of time."

"Let's just say I'm the champion of all nighters." Techno smirked under his mask.

"Thank you," you breathed. "Thank you so much."

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