say the name, seventeen.

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"happy birthday!" alice opened y/n's door at 11am, "come on. we have a long, long day planned."

y/n looked at alice, then turned to jasper, "is she serious?" y/n asked and jasper laughed.

"dead serious! i'll give you ten minutes to say your goodbyes and get ready, then it's me, rosalie, and leah who are going shopping with you. i'll tell you the rest of your plans later. 9 minutes and 30 seconds now quick otherwise i'll force you out.." she slipped out the room and y/n lay her head on jasper's chest.

"she's serious, she really will drag you out." jasper laughed and y/n rolled her eyes jokingly, getting up.

she looked through her wardrobe, which was currently stocked with old clothes from rosalie. she looked at jasper who covered his eyes then began to get dressed. she put on black jeans and white top, then put on jasper's coat.

"you can uncover now." she hummed, brushing through her hair.

"my coat?" he asked and she giggled, nodding.

"it's smells like you." she quickly leaned in and gave him a quick kiss then turned to the door, "see you later jas."

"bye beautiful."

"you need to stop with that." she shyly shook her head and turned away.


as soon as y/n left, jasper grabbed her scrapbook and copied something down before rushing out of the house.


"so, what's going on between you and jasper?" rosalie asked as soon as y/n got in the car. leah's eyes twinkled and alice smiled.

"nothing!" y/n gasped, it was clear she was line so rosalie raised an eyebrow.

god she was flawless.

"okay, okay fine. we kissed like a few days ago. and ever since i feel like i'm on cloud 9." y/n smiled happily, she still can't believe she and jasper had kissed, "we've had pecks and then after that but it's honestly just a lot of flirting and kisses. nothing official."

the girls cooed and y/n rolled her eyes, looking out the window. it was still quiet dark and the weather forecasted so rain so she was glad she brought a coat.


it was around 4pm when the girls had finally returned from their shopping trip. leah was fast asleep with her head on y/n's lap. she found this funny and grabbed her camera, snapping a quick picture.

she had been taking pictures all day and couldn't wait to get home and show jasper. she frowned confusedly when alice took a different route.

"i knew you'd be confused. don't worry, we're going to the rez and you're gonna stay with paul and seth." alice look at y/n through the rear view mirror.

"it's just while we check on the house and make sure everything is going well." rosalie smiled and y/n nodded. once they arrived she waved goodbye to the two before carrying leah to her room and allowing her to sleep.

"wassup boys?" y/n smiled, sitting in the middle of the two quileute boys.

emily walked in and held a large tray, "well, they forced me to make cupcakes even though you can eat and i'm 5 bloody months pregnant."

"and we love you for that." seth grinned, grabbing the cupcakes and wolfing them down, "want one?" he offered to y/n and with that paul lightly tapped his head.

"are you silly?" he rolled his eyes and seconds later leah walked in the room, stealing two cupcakes for herself and sitting on the floor.'

"you guys are too loud."  she groaned and began eating.

y/n spent a few hours at the rez before her, paul, seth and leah made their way to the cullen's home. the door had a big banner on it that read, 'happy birthday y/n!' in red writing.

"oh my god," she had a wide smile on her face, she couldn't believe that this was her reality.

when she stepped inside, there was a whole platter of foods, obviously for the pack and in the corner of the room were present, on top of present on top of present.

"seriously?" she gasped, in completely disbelief.

"we tried to stop alice from going overboard," emmett started.

"no, it's not that, i love it. no one has ever thrown me a party this beautiful. oh alice thank you so much." she rushed to give the pixie haired girl a hug.

the pack whooped and the cullen's clapped, "do you think we can eat?" seth asked, receiving a pinch from leah.

"of course, it's not us whose gonna eat." rosalie giggled at her joke before the pack dove in.

everyone danced around the music playing. y/n opened a few presents from everyone. a beautiful hairbrush from rosalie and emmett with y/n's name engraved, a bracelet with a wolf charm made by paul, a gorgeous mirror from seth, a new camera bought by both renesmee and jacob.

from esme and carlisle, she was given tickets two tickets to island esme. alice and edythe gifted her a huge of box of books, "so you don't get bored." edythe smiled.

and from bella and edward she was gifted a daisy necklace, "like my sister's shoes." she smiled weakly and hugged them tightly.

leah shyly pulled y/n aside and gave her a box, "i got you a present." she smiled, "i'm sorry i hated you so much when we first met. i was dealing through things but thank you for not judging me." she looked up at y/n tearfully.

"don't cry!" y/n gave leah a hug and rubbed her back, "it's okay, we all go through things and i know life sucks sometimes." she pulled away and started opening the present carefully, "did you paint this?"

"yeah!" leah wiped her eyes, "i did. it's us, it took me like two days and i'm sorry it's small." she smiled, "i hope you like it."

"leah i love it and i love you." she hugged her tightly again, "thank you."

"no problem, i'm really glad you love it." she saw jasper walking, "i'm gonna go put this in your room," she winked and rushed upstairs.

y/n chuckled quietly and looked at jasper, "hey."

"happy birthday beautiful," he leaned and kissed her cheek softly, " i got you something."

"you didn't have to," she whispered, looking at him.

he looked at the speakers when a slow song began playing. emmett, the dj, started whooping and calling out cheesy stuff like, "all the couples to the dancefloor." before dragging his own wife to the floor.

"can i take this dance?" jasper asked with a hand out.

y/n giggled and curtsied before holding his hand, "of course." they walked closer to where the couples danced. jasper slid his arms around y/n's waist and she wrapped her arms around him.

"as i was saying, i got you something."

"and i said you didn't have to." y/n replied.

"too late." he smiled, "do you want it now, or later?"

she thought for a second, "later please." and he nodded, pulling her closely and spinning her around.

jasper stared at her, taking each of her beautiful features in. her golden eyes that sparkled, her cheeks that were so soft, her lips so kissable.

"i think i'm falling for you." jasper said quietly, incredibly shy.

"you think?"

"no, i know. i'm falling for you, head of heels, crazy falling for you." he said.

"well so am i, so shut and up and kiss me." she smiled, leaning to kiss him softly.

she was interrupted.

"oh, i do hope i am not crashing the party." a sinister voice came from the front door, "it's a shame i wasn't invited, isn't it?"

tied to you. jasper + y/n.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ